hmmmm....debateable but maybe a las manitas refried bean, white cheese and escebeche japs on a flour tort. i think those refrieds are made out of clouds.
Also, if you haven't been to Ken's Tacos, do it before you leave.
It's north of Rundberg, right where Cameron Road turns into Dessau, so close to where you live. The tacos are huuuuge, and the salsa is allsome. I recommend everything on the menu, but the carne guisada is especially good.
the first time i went to juan in a meellion i ate two don juans and a breakfast plate. i also emptied a few bowls of hot sauce. i didn't have to eat for two days, and i crapped fire for about a week. man, i love that place.
I appreciate the fact that the owner actually walks around to say hi to all the customers and thanks them for coming in, even though he may have no idea who they are and has never seen them before! That kind of small gesture just isn't seen that much anymore, and that's a shame.
The Don Juan gave me 3 free Koozies last time I was there... the man and the meal are awesome. The rest of the food there is meh but the Don Juan can't be beat.