John Edwards - A Phony?


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There are two interesting articles. The first describes why Edwards populist schtick is probably bogus. He did nothing prior to his Presidential campaign to fight for the Little Man, particularly not in the Senate. His vehement attack on corporate interests and Hillary also rings hollow but will be especially so if he decides to endorse her. The second says he's thinking of endorsing her. I didn't need to be convinced. The guy is as phony as a three dollar bill.
If I was betting...the chances of him not endorsing either are far greater than him endorsing Hillary

Esp if he was to put out a potential endorsement before Texas and Ohio

Hillary looks like a sinking ship right now and is going to need some huge wins by impressive margins according to even people inside her campaign. He isnt going to risk tying his name to a potential loser. Esp with future aspirations of things like Attorney General
I called the edwards campaign office a couple months ago to find out where the 200,000 homeless veterans are because I know of an organization in the VA that deals directly with homeless soldiers. Reportedly, they have 150,000 beds available. when i asked where the homeless veterans are so i could go tell them the great news, they hang up on me...
I don't see how the first link confirms him as a phony, as it is noticeably lacking in detail. I would say that his time working as a plaintiff's lawyer might be construed as "working on behalf of the little guy". While you could argue that he was lining his pockets at the same time, one could counter-argue that you need not be poor yourself to support the interests of the poor, in the same way that you don't have to be a woman or a minority to support equal rights for women & minorities....
Like the article says, Paul Wellstone was fighting for these causes in the Senate while Edwards was there and Edwards wasn't a visible supporter to Wellstone.
Edwards was holding out to be a king maker in this Obama v. Hillary race and he's going to be too late to make a difference.
I think John Edwards is a massive choad and I'm a Dem.

There were six major bills he says he regrets voting for in the Senate. (I forget all six but two were the war and bankruptcy reform.) He simply chalks them up to "mistakes."

In my view, six mistakes is a lot for a one term senator. The truth is more likely that he tried to be a moderate to conservative Democratic Senator but when he decided to run for president, he figured he could get more traction as a populist.

In the meantime, he worked for a hedge fund.

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