John Carter


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Disney's John Carter did $10 Million on opening Friday. It cost $250 million to make. Could be a "Water World" class financial loser. Anybody planning on seeing it?

I read the books as a kid and plan to see it.
Saw it and would give one thumb up. Not enough regular showing times so had to see 3D. That in itself could be keeping people away and sales down. I spent $28 for three just to get in the door for an early bird price.

I thought it was a good story line but felt it came across kinda choppy and cheesy.
Knoxville, how can you say it resembles Star Wars? In John Carter, the hero, who lived in a desert and returned home to find his family murdered and burnt, reluctantly finds himself on a strange world, where he assembles a rag-tag band of allies, some comical, to rescue a beautiful princess and defeat an evil empire by means of thrilling spacecraft battles and exciting sword fights.

I'm missing the resemblance.
No, there are a lot of significant differences. For example, in Empire, when Luke gets thrown into the pit to be killed and eaten by a giant, ravenous beast, while a hostile crowd cheers for the beast, the creature had two arms and was smooth-skinned. In contrast, when John Carter gets thrown into the arena to be killed and eaten by a giant, ravenous beast, while a hostile crowd cheers for the beast, the creature is furry and has four arms.
My thirty-something oldest son saw both "John Carter" and "Act of Valor" with his twenty-something brother-in-law.

They really liked these flicks, highly and enthusiastically recommended each movie to me.

So I went to "Act of Valor" and thought it was certainly worthwhile as far as the action, depicting what our brave Navy Seals actually do, but somewhat lacking in overall moviemaking.

I thought it almost equalled "Rambo III" as good filmed entertainment, mainly falling behind Sylvester Stallone's successful screen series only in star power, acting and storyline.

I haven't seen "John Carter" yet, but almost certainly I eventually will.

Probably soon after I take my eager grandkids to see "The Lorax."

FWIW (not much), I saw it and liked it. I thought it was a bit "out there" for Disney. I can see why they took the gamble; I"m sure they were hoping to turn it into a franchise but I can't see that happening. I can agree that their marketing was awful and that's part of the problem. I went to see it because I was on a cruise and it was being shown. Having not read the books, I had no idea what it was about.

The princess is pretty hot.
I read that Disney is going to book a $200 million loss this quarter on John Carter. Apparently in addition to the $250 million they spent to make it, they spent another $100 million in their advertising campaign.

I saw it over the weekend and I liked it. You could actually tell what was going on in the CGI action shots. It wasn't all a blur like the Transformer movies.

The big problem was the plot wasn't clean. It was choppy and hard to follow. I'd read the books and there were times I was lost. I think that's because they took parts of the first two books; A Princess of Mars and The Gods of Mars and spliced them together. It needed to be simpler. But, all in all, it's a good popcorn summer movie.

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