This is why the GOP will have their asses handed to them:
GOP’s First 200 Days: No Jobs Bills
Posted on July 22, 2011 by Karina
‪Tomorrow marks 200 days of Republican control of the House of Representatives–House Republicans have passed 81 measures, none of which create jobs, and some that actually destroy jobs. The GOP has instead focused on divisive bills and their budget to end Medicare, while providing tax breaks to Big Oil and companies that ship jobs overseas.
By the numbers:
200: Number of days GOP has been in charge (Saturday, July 23, 2011)
2 Million: Jobs potentially destroyed by GOP legislation that’s passed the House
0: GOP jobs bills
10: GOP votes against Democratic jobs bills
House Republicans have passed bills that destroy nearly 2 million jobs and create economic uncertainty:
HR 1 – The House-passed GOP ‘So Be It’ spending bill destroys 700,000 jobs, stalls our economic recovery, and protects subsidies for Big Oil.
HR 2 – The GOP Patients’ Rights Repeal bill puts insurance companies back in charge and repeals the Affordable Care Act, thereby destroying more than 300,000 jobs.