Jobs bill a winner for Obama - new poll

I think the people are more upset with Congress than they are the President. At least if you are looking at Obama's base compared to Congress. There are some swing voters and independents but those who disliked Obama before he came into office and never gave him a chance are just going to stay in that position. The people are fed up with Congress. Their approval rating has not improved even after the insertion of many new members after last year's election. Things are still not getting done and the new members are not effectively negotiating with others to get things done.
I am ready to toss out my Congressman.

He voted for the Super Committe debacle. I want a hardliner as a congressman, a leader not a follower. Someone who is going to shake things up and not be a lifer.

Denton County does not get much Federal money to begin with so I am not sure he has done anything.

He is a doctor that let ObamaCare pass.

Time for Burgess to be replaced.
Why wouldn't they approve of that the way it's stated? More jobs, fix the roads, hire teachers, and it's ALLLLLLL paid for! Sounds fantastic!

Not a peep of the idea that it does nothing to change our debt situation. Not a peep that the increased spending will continue on and on and on, and there aren't enough millionaires in the world to pay for it. Not a peep about how the 2013 taxes are already set to pounce on not just the millionaires, but the small business people that Obama claims to want to help.

Do you think those people would still approve of it if they knew that it would only marginally improve unemployment (if at all), front-load debt and provide only a short-term fix to the issue which we would have to repeat again next year?
Pretty silly poll. At this point you could do a poll that said the govt was going to do almost anything and say it wouldn't cost anything but taxes on the wealthy and 60% of the people would favor it.

An actually interesting poll would be if the asked what should we do with money we get from taxing the wealthy 1) reduce our debt 2) do a bunch of contstruction projects so the unions can stay employed.
This poll does not mention that the jobs created for infrastructure repairs must all include prevailing wage rates, i.e., union wage rates. It does not mention that the payroll tax cut will result in even less money contributed to SS and Medicare, exacerbating the known problems there, and it does not explain how the extension of unemployment benefits to nearly three years creates any jobs whatsoever.

Strangely enough, every Obama proposal hides the details and emphasizes the necessity for immediate passage before anyone knows what is hidden in the bills.
Smoke and guess is Roger35 is a magic fan, because that's what this jobs bill amounts to. A grandiose illusion.

If he tries to cut the bill into small, passable pieces, those will just mimic sleight of hand trickery.
i imagine joe public is for a jobs bill or bill to help businesses create jobs but this bill doesnt do that and you will not find a critical analysis of the bill by the news media. the public has also been spoon fed the notion that taxing the rich will take a burden off the middle class and the poor. this is a lie and fraud as well. raising the taxes on the top 1% is expected to raise revenue by 20 billion....the government could probably raise that by changing the supplier of their office supplies.
If the idea were halfway decent the Dems in the Senate would pass it in a matter of minutes. No Reps needed for that.

It isn't, so it didn't.
I am not sure what is more offensive the fact that obama thinks we are stupid enough to think this is a jobs bill, or the fact the he is apparently stupid enough to actually think it is a jobs bill. Not a single thing in there is a net gain for the economy. all of those jobs are government jobs that do nothing but add to the deficit. He really is stupid MF, but apparently he can fool a bunch of other stupid MFers into thinking he is doing somethign positive with this half a trillion.
Wow... when you read the question, it's even more obvious why these numbers are what they are:

"The jobs bill would cut the payroll tax rate, fund new road construction, continue to extend unemployment benefits, and give tax credits to companies who hire and train long-term unemployed workers. The plan would be paid for by increasing taxes on the wealthy and increasing taxes on businesses by closing some corporate tax loopholes."

Oh, so it's PAID for! And it's by the "wealthy!" And it closes loopholes! No one likes those!!

And the capper is on the "tax on the wealthy":

"This is a good idea because the wealthy and corporations should pay their fair share and can afford to pay more to help pay for programs and government operations …Or…This is a bad idea because higher taxes will end up taking money from the wealthy and corporations that they could otherwise invest to help grow the economy."

What am I going to say "noooo, the rich shouldn't pay their fair share!!"

Pathetic. And yet until we get to debate season after the primaries, that's how this issue is going to be framed.
general, where can one find a critical analysis of your party's jobs bill?
All I saw today from the bill's opponents was yet another attempt to pass one more anti abortion bill because the ones already on the books are not enough.
They hurriedly put this together today( in between the introduction of abortion bills) only to deflect criticism for their obstructionism of the President's bill.
FWIW, I asked for a critical analysis.
This is why the GOP will have their asses handed to them:

GOP’s First 200 Days: No Jobs Bills
Posted on July 22, 2011 by Karina

‪Tomorrow marks 200 days of Republican control of the House of Representatives–House Republicans have passed 81 measures, none of which create jobs, and some that actually destroy jobs. The GOP has instead focused on divisive bills and their budget to end Medicare, while providing tax breaks to Big Oil and companies that ship jobs overseas.

By the numbers:

200: Number of days GOP has been in charge (Saturday, July 23, 2011)

2 Million: Jobs potentially destroyed by GOP legislation that’s passed the House

0: GOP jobs bills

10: GOP votes against Democratic jobs bills

House Republicans have passed bills that destroy nearly 2 million jobs and create economic uncertainty:

HR 1 – The House-passed GOP ‘So Be It’ spending bill destroys 700,000 jobs, stalls our economic recovery, and protects subsidies for Big Oil.

HR 2 – The GOP Patients’ Rights Repeal bill puts insurance companies back in charge and repeals the Affordable Care Act, thereby destroying more than 300,000 jobs.

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