Jerusalem is no longer in Israel?


This is odd and some will not think it is not important but obviously the Obama admin thought it was.

from a Weekly Standard article but the links are from State
2 weeks ago apparently the obama admin started scrubbing the word Israel from any reference to Jerusalem. They scrubbed the reference to israel from a photo of Joe Biden with Simon Peres, taken last year and archived links show last year the photo was identified as taking place in Jerusalem Israel. Now it just says jerusalem.

fine obama can have it say whatever he wants it to say.

Why though did the Obama admin scrub the word Israel from state dept docs from 2002 and 2003?
Why would that be important to the Obama WH?

archived from 2002
The Link

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Jerusalem, Israel
Johannesburg, South Africa
Karachi, Pakistan
Krakow, Poland
new version of 2002 doc
The Link
Hong Kong, China
Istanbul, Turkey
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Johannesburg, South Africa
Karachi, Pakistan
Krakow, Poland

The Obama Admin even scrubbed the pdf files but of course they couldn't srub what was archived.

That seems strange. if this is such an unimportant issue Obama admin surely went to a lot of trouble.

but I can't see why.

here is entire article from weekly standard
The Link
You ask a good question.
And why would the Obama admin go BACK and scrub data from 9 years ago to make it appear the Bush Admin did not list Israel as country for Jerusalem?

It is also interesting that in the obama admin tried to say they were just following the Bush admin's policies. The archived sites from the Bush state dept prove a different story.

The obama admin can labeb the pics as they like them and even all of Bush pics didn't always list Israel much like they didn't always list Berlin Germany or Paris france but the Bush State dept lists did list Israel as country for Jeruslem.
From the above link:

Presidents often have found themselves at odds with Congress over Jerusalem. President Truman favored an “international regime for Jerusalem,” while Presidents Carter, Reagan and Clinton all believed that negotiation should resolve the status of Jerusalem.

Congress has been more hawkish on the issue. In 1995, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which mandated the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from its current location in Tel Aviv.

But since 1998, every sitting president has suspended the relocation via an executive order that is reissued every six months that says the delay is “necessary in order to protect the national security interests of the United States.”

Long-needed renovations at the U.S. Embassy building in Tel Aviv have not been carried out due to uncertainty over how long the embassy opposite the beachfront.will be located there.

While the U.S. Congress has already made up its mind about the embassy and Jerusalem, U.S. policy as set by the president is waiting for something else: the Israelis and the Palestinians to come to agreement.

With the stalemate between the two parties showing no signs of ending, that could take a very long time

To post this like it's some kind of evil plot by Obama is, pardon my Frech, just effing stupid and it pisses me off that we have so many dolts in this country who lap up the political pablum that they are spoon-fed. Both sides are guilty of this.

No wonder our politics are so screwed up. We get what we deserve.

Please READ the Op and my follow up . This wasn't just about picture captions and you both know it but you chose to ignore it since you didn't have an answer
Can you Per or you BBB explain Why Obama admin changed the Bush admin State dept site?
If the obama admin was just following the Bush admin policy then they would have left the Bush admin State Dept data alone.

as i said earlier label the pics anyway you want Obama but why scrub a Bush State Dept site from 2002?

If there has been an explanation for that I missed it so perhaps someone can post that.
So that's it?

A State Dept web site was changed?

Maybe they corrected the site? And if so, how was the "correction" contrary to what seems to be the stated policy and approach of past Presidents?
?? LOL That is it? That is your explanation? Really That obama admin corrected a bush era State dept website 9 YEARS later?
Wat possible excuse can you make up to explain why?

Good Grief
I've already given it.

Again, try to get past the 9 years. How was the correction contrary to past Presidential policy?

Let me guess, you don't think man landed on the moon?

Did you fo to the Bush 2002 State Dept site? Do you understand what it was?

if you understand explain why it would be necessary to " correct" anything.

if you don't understand what the Bush State Dept website in link was just ask and i will explain it.

what you just posted made zero sense at it realtes to the scrubbing of a 9 year old site
I get the impression that you think this is some kind of pro-Muslim Obama conspiracy?

Maybe scrubbing a 9-yo site is a numerical code relating to the 72 virgins awaiting Obama in paradise?

I'll await word till I hear what Nostodamus said on the matter.

I'll admit that I'm biased in that I think this is all a bunch of horse hooey. More diversions to keep the rabbles' eyes off the ball.
It would seem to be a set of corrections aimed at bringing official documents in line with official policy.

If it is something else, do tell.
"It would seem to be a set of corrections aimed at bringing official documents in line with official policy. "

sorry that is just stupid. Obama can't decide he can' correct" Bush admin docs.
Why, anyone WHY would you need to go back and srub a list from 9 years ago and another administration.
This is a list published in 2002from Dept of State is embassies and consulates world wide.

Here is the current listThe Link

In 2002 the list contained Jerusalem Israel. Why 2 weeks ago would it need to be changed?That is the way it was listed in 2002 by the bush admin

Why did the obama admin feel the need to rewrite and change it?
I just don't understand the outrage.

And so it was changed two weeks ago? What if it were changed 2 months ago. Or 6 months from now? You seem to be saying that the date of two weeks ago contains some sort of clandestine meaning.

Why do you think it was changed? What is your theory?
I say we should compromise by giving the Palestinian Mandate back to the Turks to administer. They had a long history of keeping Arabs in line and were reasonably tolerant of Jews.

After sixty years of arab v jew bloodletting, it would be in everybody's best interest.

John Haggee and other jesus freaks bent on rushing the apocolypse along would not be amused but eff them anyway.

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