Its official Herm Edwards to ASU.

They have been irrelevant since 1887.Graham is the biggest slimeball in coaching. They were right to run his sorry *** back to high school, although I hope it isn't in Texas.

Herm Edwards is a "name".

Can he build a staff? Doubtful

Can he recruit? His NFL pedigree will improve their recruiting, but who will develop them?

Beggars can't be choosers, so they went with "the name". It was that or some obscure HS or assistant .
I've always wondered why a FBS school would hire an old NFL coach regardless of past success. Are they really going to go out and bust their *** recruiting and maintain the brutal schedule required to be a successful college coach? I doubt it.
I've always wondered why a FBS school would hire an old NFL coach regardless of past success. Are they really going to go out and bust their *** recruiting and maintain the brutal schedule required to be a successful college coach? I doubt it.

The difference between the NFL and College is the year round nature of the latter. The importance of recruiting and gladhanding with alums means college coaches never get the benefit of an offseason.
ASU wants to establish a corporate culture in their athletic department. If you want to be an AD, get your resume updated for the opening in 2020/2021.
ASU wants to establish a corporate culture in their athletic department. If you want to be an AD, get your resume updated for the opening in 2020/2021.

That's systemic of the school. They are officially the world's largest school since their online degree program is immense. Now if only they could turn the online class attendees to donors they might be on to something.
I thought they were an on campus MBA program for BYU undergrads that couldn't get a job. Their biggest problem with ASU grads is that they all want to get a job in Cali-prune-ya, but those trainee jobs are locked up by USC, Stanford, UCLA, Berzerkley, Davis, Irvine, Oregon, and Washington.
Anybody but Edwards. I thought Graham was doing a good job and 70% of Sun Devils agreed. Mack would be a huge improvement over Herm Edwards. He has never been a college head coach only one year as an assistant so recruiting will be a challenge. Also Herm wasn't even a success in the NFL. I would consider ASU a loser in the coaching carousel game.