It's looking like


500+ Posts
Jon Huntsman Jr. will surge to the top soon, I expect, due to some candidates eliminating themselves and the balance of the candidates either being ho-hum (Romney) or minimized (Paul). Check out the key descriptive words of the candidates from the below linked website.

Mitt Romney

serious contender
clear favorite
Harvard man
comfortably leading almost every poll
knack for business
across the board appeal
dangerous opponent for BO
Jon Huntsman

51 yr old
much anticipated entry
highly rated
dark horse
one of few capable of unseating BO
Newt Gingrich

13 yr absence
campaign unfortunately begun
torrent of criticism
perceived attack of fellow repub
controversial statements
stamp his mark on the race
Ron Paul

former medical doctor
75 yr old
small pocket of supporters
Libertarian leaning
controversial character
Herman Cain

cancer survivor
youtube sensation
US Navy mathematician
resume demands attention
political experience on three major fronts
stellar career at Pillsbury
chairman Fed Reserve
host "The Herman McCain Show"
guarantees the articulate repub will NEVER face a question of credibility

The Link
Like I asked previously, what is the case for Huntsman? I don't see a whole lot to get excited about. How is he better than the other candidates? How is he better than Barack Obama?

On another note, I see that The Rent is Too Damn High guy is running now. That'll be fun.
Huntsman is the only GOP candidate that has the intellect, talent and ability to perform the job. Other GOP politicians that were similarly qualified have decided not to run.

I would seriously consider voting for him- but he will never win the GOP because he is not far right enough for the primaries, yet he is a perfect moderate for the general election. In an era where intelligence and pedigree is mocked- Bachmann stands a better chance than someone fluent in Chinese, world affairs and economics like Huntsman.
[ quote]Like I asked previously, what is the case for Huntsman? I don't see a whole lot to get excited about. How is he better than the other candidates? How is he better than Barack Obama?

didn't vote for obama, didn't expect much from him but don't find him terribly objectionable so far.

He inherited a disaster and didn't make it any worse.

He said when they passed the stimulus that this level of spending was not sustainable and has never suggested it is.

Under aggregate demand theory his policies in re the budget make good sense, though I have doubts about whether it is or will work. The alternative was chaos, which was why W stepped back from the looney ravings of the right.

There is a huge correction going on in the economy and it is taking a lot of time and destroying a lot of people's lives.

NOne of the republicans has advanced any ideas that will be more likely to improve the situation and most of them propose solutions that aren't and will make things much worse for everybody except very wealthy people. The tax proposals will enlarge the deficits way past what they are now and make them impossible to deal with. The middle class would get wiped out completely and a lot quicker than is happening now.

The gop right now reminds me of the entire mexican political class in the leadup to the war with the US---a lot of ideological prattle and guaranteed-to-fail policies.

And their foreign policy proposals are so xenophobic and short sighted that they should be hooted off the stage for voicing them by their fellow party members.

Most republicans I know are aghast at what is being offered up and only their revulsion with Obama's liberal policies keeps them from throwing up.

And most lower class people have a good enough grasp of what is being planned for them to know they will need to vote next year.

The republican class war is usually pretty undercover, this time around it is open and obvious.

Nobody buys trickle down except ideologically inclined and would be nouveau riche blind people.
I see what you did there. Don't run screaming off the cliff like a lot of Obama apologists on here but really offer no substantive arguments for him or against the republican field. Nice try but your post is like a rice cake.

Maybe you really don't have strong feelings for Obama but to say that he hasn't been "too bad" is a serious miscalculation.
The substantive argument is not for him, I don't really care for him, but he has not made things any worse in my opinion and given the options available has been fairly cautious. The alternative to what he has done was to do nothing at all, which would have resulted in a major depression, which we may still have, or do as the republicans are proposing and try to balance the budget by cutting taxes, which is assinine and will result in catastrophe.

Next year if the gop takes the senate as I expect they will and win the white house they will put their plan into action and the result will be catastrophic.

Cutting taxes and continuing to spend money at the current rates is going to be a disaster and I don't see any serious proposals from them about where they would cut.

Cut foreign aid all you want, cut some edges around the defense budget, get rid of what is left of welfare and education spending and you have barely made a dent in the budget.

They are not going to roll back the empire and so defense spending will not drop seriously. That leaves social security and medicare and they aren't going to cut either.

And the tax cuts will bring in much less revenue
The deficits will explode again far beyond what Obama has done.

I can't say too much in defense of the guy except that he has not made things a lot worse than when he came in.

The deleveraging is ongoing and will continue for a while. Show me some evidence that suggests that is not the case.

Sorry I served up rice cake but I don't see the beef anywhere from dems or republicans. And these republicans are so intimidated by the activist wing of their party that they cannot act or speak.

Sort of like the south at the time of LIncoln's election. The base (slaveowners) panicked and the "leaders" headed for the cliff shouting "follow me!!"

That is what I am seeing right now.

Huntsman and Johnson are the only ones not doing that and as a result they have no support and no chance.
Mich, that is the shittiest link you've ever put up. Obama is at 43% that part is right. Carter was at the high 40's% at this same time can't remember the exact number. Bush was at 52%. This is a fact. I don't have time to go find the link because I've got to leave now. But quit putting up **** for links.

But face it, he's at the lowest ever and has zero chance of being re-elected. Would you vote for him after what he's done to our country? Only morons would.

Funny how there is always a reason or excuse for Obama when the simple truth is he just down right sucks as President. I don't want to hear why he's the worst polling president ever at this stage of his presidency besides the fact that he JUST IS. What more needs to be said. What's telling is you're having to try to defend him being behind by 5 or 6 percentage points behind who use to be the worst president ever.

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