Its 0636 hrs..............

I'm right here on the Gulf Coast at 12:17 PM and if there was any slippage, I would be the first to see it and know it. It ain't happening. The thieves still SUCK!
12:48 and ou sucking is being detected at predictably high levels in SE Texas.

Rising levels of suck is expected to continue through the weekend and into the foreseeable future.
I was pumping gas not far from Dallas and this other guy was across from me in a Texas shirt, I had my burnt orange hat on and we looked at each other and said OU SUCKS simultaneously.
Its 1521 hrs and as the trail of tears heads up I-35 heading North to Moblahoma.........the SUCKAGE is at HURRICANE LEVELS..............WE BEAT THOSE SORRY SOBS>>>>>>>>>>>HOOK EM BABY!:hookem: :bevo: :texasflag: :ousucks: :ousucksnana: :coolnana: