Israel Warns Russia


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Israel warned Russia about shipping advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Syria. Israel said that if they detect these shipments, "they'd know what to do". Israel fears the missiles could wind up in the hands of Hezbollah.

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I've never understood Russia's policy in the Middle East. They practically engineered Iran's nuclear program. You wouldn't think they'd want a bunch of nuclear Mad Mullahs on their flank, but they don't seem to care. Given Russia's bloody repression of the muslims in Chechnya, I can't imagine they are much more popular than we are among Islamists.

Here's a link that speculates about the reasons for Russia's M.E. policy.

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If Russia can become more energy independent then maybe they will back off the ME. Us too for that matter. Until then, watch them continue to leverage for relatively cheap oil. I'm sure China will be in the mix in a larger degree soon enough. That's the red country I'm worried about.
Shades of Otto von Bismarck's prescient observation:

"One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
If this guy is right, we're going to see a vast contraction in the influence of OPEC over the next 10-20 years and that is going to create a powderkeg there. It's great for Texas and the U.S., thought, I guess ...

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Yep, OPEC influence has been diminishing greatly the last decade. Their greed to control prices and keep them high have allowed operations like Canada's tar sands and US oil shale to become profitable and have a demonstrable impact on the market. Combine that with divisions within OPEC production controls in countries like Nigeria (produce as much as possible) and you can see OPECs sway on world markets continue to dwindle.

I haven't decided whether the US actually getting what it wants is a good thing or not. I worry about the rise of multiple Islamic fundamentalist regimes and the potential for terrorism. I've resigned myself to believe that terrorism is now a way of life like Israel. We simply need to learn to deal with it rather than stop it.

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