Israel May Act Against Syria


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If Assad regime falls. They must prevent Syria's Chemical weapons and missiles from falling into the hands to Hezbollah or al queda.

Given Russia and China's love affair with Syria (not to mention Iran), this could be a extremely dangerous situation.

The Link
Wow. That's scary. My question is, what could they possibly do? Invade the country in the middle of a civil war and just whisk out anything that looks dangerous?
I don't know what they can do, but hopefully they'll have more luck finding them than we had in Iraq.
IF they'd been moved to Syria we couldn't have found rthem in Iraq.
Even BO's DNI. Clapper thinks the WMD were moved from Iraq before we got there.
Clapper made his remarks in 2003 and the director of his agency at the time said he was not aware of any facts that supported that opinion. I.e., he was making stuff up to provide cover for decisions made in ignorance. A standard ploy of American government, Dem or Republican: when all else fails, just lie about what just happened.

In his debriefing, Saddam claimed he didn't have them anymore and had destroyed the stocks that had existed. He further said that he played dodgeball with the weapons inspectors before the invasion because he didn't want the Iranians to think he didn't have them. He feared the Iranians would invade and he didn't think we would be stupid enough to remove the only impediment to Shia domination of the Gulf.

Shows what he knew about stupidity in our intelligence agencies and government, no?
IF he had had them, I suspect he would have used them. He knew if we hit him he was a dead man, so why not?

Our war effort was based on the expectation that he would use them and he did not. So maybe he did not have them?

At the time he was de briefed he knew he was going to be executed, just like his sons were killed. He was still perplexed as to why the US wanted to help, however obliquely, the Iranians become the strongest power in the Gulf region. It made no sense to him. He admitted he misjudged our intentions. He was hoping the arms inspectors would give him a clean bill and at the same time he could continue bluffing the mullahs from Shialand. He misjudged things.

He was a disaster for Iraq and there is still hope, however slim, that they can get their act together, so in the long run the Bush gamble may pay off.

The situation with Assad is somewhat different because of the support he gets from the commie and ex commie baddies but he is encircled by enemies and does not have a lot of wealth to draw on.

Obama seems to be playing out W's hand: splatter any available target in the middle east and hope for regime change and maybe things get better later. The states of the middle east are so different from each other and so splintered internally that maybe, but only maybe, someone might get a leg up and serve as an example to the others.

Best bet would be Lebanon if they can be rid of the Alawite overlords and evict the unwanteds from the country.

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