Islamic Grooming Gangs in the UK

So while chosen children are getting raped in organized criminal activity, police find the time for crap like this.

What's ridiculous is that these cops aren't breaking the law or doing anything legally improper. Britain has actual laws on the books that permit this kind of thing. Their Parliament has chosen to enable and permit this sort of wannabe Gestapo-with-a-British-accent action. Labour passed the laws in the '90s, but the Tories could have changed it and didn't. Both parties have pretty much been ok with it.

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Who would have thought that East Germany would be the sane people?

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Looks to me like some aspects of Western liberalism are corrosive on society. Which side of Germany was scolded more for being German and proud of it?

Probably the East. The Soviet Union tended to be the harsher and less forgiving occupier. However, after reunification, it was the least economically advanced (not surprisingly), and it is the least international and globalist (outside of Berlin, of course). Accordingly, they are less sympathetic to the idea of Islamic hordes taking over their country.

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