And knowing that, they responded by auditing them more? If you know there's going to be a jump, why do you decide to go after them that disproportionately with audits?
Answer is given in your own post: "I don't think they knew there were that many". So basically they gave this credit but (as usual) had no idea what the actual impact was going to be. And when they see people are actually using it more than they expected, they respond with a costly and unnecessary audit.
You didn't read the rest of my post where I did qualify my first point (goes with cooling down as you type, I guess. I suppose I could have gone back and changed my first paragraph to reflect where I ended up, but I didn't feel like doing it.)
And good for you for staying with your pat response of defending all things liberal. Weird how that's the only time I ever see you post anything.
The OP stands. They did in fact target adoptive parents. Do you deny that? The reason for it is up for debate, but the best you can go for is stupidity.