Investor advice/newsletters


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I haven't been much on the stock market in the past, just contributed to 401K and pretty much let it ride. It looks like I'm about to come into a sizable chunk from the sell of a rental property so I'm looking to take advantage of the down market. However, my brief stroll through the internet jungle makes me feel like most newletters are all hype. They just repeat the 8-10 successes they've had over the years with little mention of anything else. Has anyone found a investor guide that is worth a darn?
According to Clark Howard he suggests an index fund. I found from experience most financial advisors sugest what is in their best financial interest and not yours.
I went to an Edward Jones advisor for advise as to were to put my IRA account. I wanted an index fund and he kept pushing Bank of America, for a bonus as Edward Jones and B of A had a special deal going. I walked out and did not come back and am I glad I did.
I have used Zack's Chart Patterns Trader for part of my portfolio for the last 2 years after I quit having the time I needed to research stocks. To date, it has worked out well..

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