Institutional Control at USC

USC is the current poster child for "Lack of Institutional Control".

If is so blatantly obvious that my mother, who went to college in the '50s and doesn't give a damn about sports, would be able to tell you that there is a lack of institutional control at USC.

Someone tell me how coaches are supposed to control agents/AAU scumbags...****, we won the greatest colllege football game ever in my conscious lifetime which should put them to bed, yet since then there's a ******* 'USC sucks' post per week...who ******* cares, the war's over and we won...

Let them cheat all day over there, who ******* cares unless we play them again....and even then, we know how that'll turn out...
Tank, you know your sig is referring to the wrong movie right? That scene is from Say Anything. Cusack wasn't in Breakfast Club.
I haven't seen either movie.

But too much Movieland may be SC's problem: too much near money, too many celebs, too many agents, too much exposure, too much bling, a sense of entitlement, those cheerleaders, etc.

They've got the bright lights in their eyes and they can't see the violations. This ain't exactly Lubbock and Texas Tech we're talking about or even Norman and f---ing OU.
It's Temptation City.
They're only human, so the rules shouldn't apply to them the way they do to ordinary people. Allowance should be made for their special problems.
UCLA isn't really one to be talking because it has been brought out that their basketbal Coach Wooden and others turned their heads even though they knew about an alumni giving their great basketball stars money. Wink wink!
ucla hired slick rick as their football coach. he's been run out of and run down 2 football programs. if i were ucla, i would not be looking down on any programs w/ alleged infractions. they will have more than their fair share in 2 years.
UCLA had to forfeit a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP in softball a few years go because of a lack of institutional control. Bruin fans have little reason to feel superior to UCS on these matters.
True, Huck, very true. But a holier-than- thou attitude is ridiculous.

And I think we've not heard the last from the NCAA about Southern Cal ...