Institute for Creation Research


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Several weeks ago it was mentioned on Quacks that the Institution rfor Creation Research had applied for authority to grant graduate degrees to Texas science teachers. I'm proud to say that Texas has denied that request.

Of course the creationists say they'll bring suit in federal and state courts -
The Link

This is a significant victory for science and honesty.

Wouldn't they have to start teaching science and the scientific method first before they're allowed to claim that what they teach is science?

Being allowed to teach graduate Biblical studies, maybe with a speciality in the Old Testament? I could see granting accreditation for that.

But I can't imagine that any "science" degree that they would offer would or could be of any validity.

And I certainly wouldne't want someone with a degree from them teaching in any science class.
Why don't these people push for an academically acceptable comparative religion class? This would be an interesting elective for students, and some would surely choose to follow some of those religions. I suppose this is too openminded a suggestion to be considered by these zealots.

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