In the middle of the road with dead armadillos


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I know some of you on the board view me as a wacko leftist. However, with wacko leftist coming out of the woodwork over the Zimmerman verdict, I, more confidently than ever, view myself as a centerist. By the way, while I wouldn't draw up abortion restrictions the way the legislators did, I find myself more attracted to and culturally similar to those singing hymns and praying in capitol grounds demonstrations that those screaming obscenities and bringing feces and urine with them to view the legislative process.
The so called pro science crowd are really dropping the ball with respect to the fetus/baby arguments and I'm not being technical.

It wouldn't surprise me if sometime in the next 100 years the movements of the fetus are able to be attributed to specific: hunger, fear, exploration or otherwise type communications from the fetus to whomever would be able to see or feel them.

Just like there have been extensive research and development into the communication skills of newborns and slightly older than newborns as they develop and understand much more than we can comprehend.

Baby sign language is remarkable once you get it set up with your child. What once was probably seen as nonsensical movements are actually the nonverbal signals the baby is making to tell you he is hungry for instance.(much less the crying of course)

The point is convenience killing of unborn children will get much tougher to stomach for everyone but the most stringent riders of De Nile. Right now it is ignoring science to claim a 10 or more week old fetus is just a lump of cells to try and make you feel better about ending the life of that burgeoning life.

How that all relates to abortion restrictions I can't tell you since it is not up to me. I can tell you that seeing two burgeoning lives being grown in the womb of my wife via the unfortunate need for semi-regular ultra-sounds is something everyone who is interested in this topic should research or experience if they are able.

It is truly mind blowing what is going on very early in the game. Much earlier than the 20 week date we are talking about now since it takes into account the viability separate from the mother issue.

Summary: check out the science from as many unbiased sources or experiences before taking a party based position on the abortion issue. This really should be apolitical.
You say you ' view myself as a" centerist"

I am not sure what that word means. Can you define how you view things?
There is a spectrum between complete anarchy and voters who prefer government control of industry, price controls, forcible seizure of white assets for the purpose of redistribution, and the complete rollback of fossil fuel production in North America.

There is a middle ground between those two camps you see.
6721: i think my politicall views on here are pretty well known. I think global warming related to rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere is real and that a serious government response is warranted. It seems bizarre to me that folks would focus on some dishonest emails and ignore the shrinking polar ice caps and acidic seas killing the coral reefs -- alarming evidence that a real and present danger deserving immediate response. That those rules should be intelligent and not put economy in a headlock. `

I think health care delivery for the poor should be a real national focus and believe that people who work hard and productively should make a living wage. To the extent that they counterbalance greedy heartless capitalists, labor unions and intelligent government regulations are a good thing.But regulation of business and the economy should be intelligent -- Clinton Gore, not Obama Biden.
And I think that is all fair and there is a lot of fodder for discussion on those points.

The practicality of policy ideas both in the climate change and health care spaces is the rub. A shift to more environmentally friendly fuels and a system that efficiently and effectively provides quality healthcare to the needy and poor are both excellent ideals.

I just think their are better paths to realize those big ideas than what the very serious people in Davos gatherings and European NGOs put forth with such condescending zeal.
Croc, how have you not figured it out yet? Capitalism is the answer!!! Keep the government out of the way and show people how they can make money from it and the problem solves itself!!!

ok maybe it is a little more complicated than that.

Why is it that public companies are so interested in making consensus quarterly EPS? hmmm.

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