Impt Q for anyone in Palo Alto for Christmas



Sorry.. this is dumb... BUT... part of my family is in Palo Alto and within the week went to some kind of special kid's Christmas program celebration in the Palo Alto area.

I am getting scrambled unsubstantiated information from my 11-yr old over the phone just what this was but am told it was $100 a ticket for her and for her 72-yr old grandmother.

Does anybody in that part of the Bay Area have any clue what this might have been. I don't think it was over at Lucy Sterns community center on Middlefield. I don't think it was theater of any kind. It was some kind of play activity, community event or some such, and I'm told it was $200 smackeroos for the two of them.

I think somebody is skinning me for money that disappeared on whatever.

Thx, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!
So you're asking if your child's grandmother stole money from you? I'm not sure I'm getting where you're going with this.

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