Impact of TTU MNC


25+ Posts
So what would impact of TTU winning BCS NC have on recruiting dynamics in Texas? Does TT begin to pull 5stars regularly?
Yes, if Leach stays. One cannot deny that he has done one hell of a job coaching up the Raiders. Done more with less than many other schools. Skill position players love his offense.

I am not sure it can be done in college football today, but Nebraska built a dynasty in a small town miles away from the big city lights. If Leach stays a few more years, he might do the same. Texas has a vast pool of talent and he will pluck some gems from it.
Will someone please hire this guy already? Tech has no business being any good. The school, the town, tradition, facilities, etc. are all crap. They just caught lightning in a bottle by hiring a mad scientist as a coach.
Leach's system+ Texas/OU caliber talent= one scary offense.

probably wont happen though since leach will probably be gone next year
What is the order right now? Is it
Texas, OU,Tech, A & M, TCU/SMU, Baylor?

And then if tech wins, they are third behind Texas/OU?

who is the biggest loser if tech ends up behind the top two? is it A & M?
"I don't know if they are gonna improve with five star recruits. Their system is based on precision, dedication, and execution."

Plus, who wants to live in Lubbock for 4 years?
Tech being highly ranked helps Texas much like when the SEC was loaded. It increases strength of schedule and guarantees that more than just a few games will garner national TV coverage. That helps recruiting and keeps more Texas kids at BigXll schools, brings kids from outside , and neither TECH, OU or anyone else can get all the talent in Texas.
It will impact A&M negatively but it will not impact Texas at all.

Any five star who has a chance to come to Texas is probably not going to choose Tech.

As a former resident, there is no describing the suck that is Lubbock.
Players currently in The League:

Texas: 36
Texas Tech: 7

Leach can gloss over their recent successes all day long, but this stat alone will point recruits in the right direction 9 times out of 10. Blue-chippers want to go where they have the best chance of eventually getting paid (nice scenery doesn't hurt either).
Tech will never be a perennial contender.

Have you ever been to Lubbock?

The big factor is if Leach stays. Look for some tp programs to show up with a lot of money. Mack will still get his share of the top recruits but there will be more staying in state if Tech continues to succeed.

This will cut down on defections to OU and OSU. It will really put a crimp on the aggies. With Briles in Waco, A&M could be headed for the cellar.
"Players currently in The League:

Texas: 36
Texas Tech: 7"

Funny, that looks exactly like the A&M-to-UT ratio of players in the league when Mack got here. Not saying it'll happen to Tech, but an interesting thought.
At a minimum it validates another team in the league with a MNC. Helps keep more kids in state, maybe. I think SEC fans think they are a tougher league (top to bottom) because more of their teams have won (and expect to compete for) MNCs. SEC fans feel this way regardless of of the fact that Ole Miss, Arkansas, and Auburn MNCs were so long ago they are almost as irrelevant as A&M's.

Don't quote me on these totals (some of which are paper NCs, yes, I mean you Alabama)
The Link

The Big XII has UT(4), OU(7), NU(5), CU(1), and A&M(1). Obviously TTU, KU, KSU, OSU, ISU, Baylor, and MU have none.

SEC has UF(2), UG(2), UA(11), Auburn(1), Arkansas(1), LSU(3), Tenn(4), and Ole Miss(1). Vandy, SC, MSU, and Kentucky have none.
Texas has eight straight 10-win seasons....

In the past 6 seasons, Texas Tech record is...
2007, 9-4
2006 8-5
2005, 9-3
2004, 8-4
2003, 8-5
2002, 9-5

This year is hardly a trend. I don't have Leach's first season in front of me, just those. For a&m those would be great seasons, even for Baylor. Maybe for Tech.

A player who wants to play for a real winner would hardly think that is anything to crow about.

Think about it... this is the first regular season in the past 6 years Tech has won 10 games. First time. Probably ever. They lose 3 to 5 games a year.

There are not enough players allowed on a team for Texas to, hell, get everybody. Some players have to go elsewhere. And many good ones do go elsewhere. There are THAT many superior players from the State of Texas. Which is why the Longhorns can be so great and STILL have a dog fight on their hands in the Big 12.

And still...Longhorns... EIGHT straight 10 or more wins. Eight straight seasons. Now you're talking.

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