You are 100 percent right, and in Deezestan, I'd appoint you as Commissioner of Immigration and Domestic Security and let you fully implement your immigration policy. (I'd appoint Larry as Commissioner of Public Education and Cultural Enlightenment.) However, much to my disappointment, there isn't public support for the creation of Deezestan.
Since Deezestan is and in all reasonable probability will remain a hypothetical state, I have to deal with the reality of the United States. In the United States, I have completely given up on an intelligent solution to the immigration problem, because we are now a a nation of idiots. Furthermore, we are getting more idiotic as the intelligent people die off and get replaced by bigger idiots. However, it's worse than that. We've always had idiots, but the current generation of idiots is also unpatriotic and has ****** up priorities. It has all led to a toxic political situation that in my view can never be fixed.
The Republican Party was bought and paid for a long time ago on this issue. They're going to protect employers and give them a pass, as they always have. In fact, I'm willing to bet that the GOP side of the Gang of 8 wanted the employer amnesty. Furthermore, the GOP base consists of dumbasses who basically only direct outrage towards the Mexicans themselves, and the dumbest ones think employers are basically blameless. Furthermore, they're stubborn, and their minds are completely shut to any reality. They're a lost cause.
The Democratic Party has made a deal with the Devil. They're too liberal for most white people, but rather than shift to the middle to appeal to white people again, they'd rather overwhelm the nation with people who come from third-world conditions and would likely have a more leftist philosophy than your average white American. I don't think they give a **** about the consequences of this on the United States. All they know is that this path leads to Democratic empowerment, and that's all they care about.
What about the Democratic base (organized labor, young people, working class people, and blacks)? Immigration (of any kind) cheats them harder than it cheats anybody else. However, they're too easy to appease and even dumber than the Republican base. Protect government union workers' benefits (chump change compared to immigration), and unions will shut up. Young voters? Just sell the "diversity agenda," talk about how cool gays are, and give them easy access to rubbers, porn, and pot, and they'll be appeased. Black voters? Just race bait and keep a D by your name, and they'll be appeased.
So if we had a remotely patriotic political class or a remotely intelligent political base in either party, you'd have a great solution. However, this is an "if my grandmother had balls, she'd be my grandfather" issue. The political class is crooked, and the political bases are too friggin' stupid to hold them accountable on the issue.
In light of that, why keep the illegals in limbo? I'd rather have a system that's orderly and screwed up than chaotic and screwed up.