Image Hosting


250+ Posts
anyone know a good free image hosting site? i've used villagephoto, but it seems like every time i put one on there now, it's a red x within like 10 minutes. i don't know if this is a bandwidth issue or not... i can't use my utexas webspace, for some reason, but all i need it for is hornfans... i miss being able to photoshop things.
It's not really an image hosting site, but works really well. It is actually one of those horrible meet friends online sites that I registered for just to see what my cousin in New York was up to. You can upload quite a few images, and I haven't encountered anything too annoying except for the occasional idiot who wants to be friends with you.
why does it work sometimes on utexas and sometimes it messes up? anyone know? i have my folder set to public sharing, so that isn't the issue. is it possible that enough people are viewing the picture that i'm exceeding a bandwidth limit of some kind?

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