Ignoring national crisis, Congress goes on vacatio

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
Slate Magazine:

So imagine showing up to work late for a couple of months in a row, not doing any of the things your boss asks you to do, and then waltzing into your boss' office on Aug. 1 and asking for five-week paid vacation! That's exactly what's happening in Washington, where Congress is choosing to do nothing rather than grapple with the country’s huge problems.

I hate to add to the long litany of "Congress isn't doing its job" tirades, but at a certain point, it really does force you to think something has gone terribly wrong.

Just look at the record of the 112th Congress. Bills to provide tax relief for American workers and businesses, take care of teachers and first responders, repeal big-oil tax subsidies, reduce the deficit, help students in debt, remedy gender-based wage discrimination, bring transparency to spending in elections, and deliver jobs outsourced overseas back home—all killed in the Senate by a GOP minority through the threat of filibuster.

In past few days alone, Congress failed to move on a cybersecurity bill supported by senior officials in both parties. It failed to pass an agricultural bill desperately needed to help an agricultural sector being destroyed by a horrific drought. It did nothing to deal with the approaching expiration of the tax cuts for the middle class, nothing to avoid the fiscal cliff that approaches. Congress punted on all the appropriations bills by merely passing a continuing resolution to kick the can down the road for six months.

Congress has done almost nothing on any of the serious issues facing us, yet it now has decided to go on recess for weeks!
Congress and the Legislature are both like a flock of grackles: they fly into town, make a lot of noise and crap all over everything, then fly away.
I'm not sure what good they would do if they stuck around. Harry Reid has effectively blocked any serious attempts by the House to deal with anything. The House has effectively blocked Obama's efforts as well.

You have to wonder what the next 4 years will look like if O gets re-elected and the senate and the house are in the hands of the Rs.
Good post. Rome is burning and has been. Yet Congress - the Senate and Legislature just don't get it, don't care, only want to "help" or pass legislation when their party benfits or the other party is harmed or both. There is absolutely no willingness, to some degree, how come together and to take action to help get the country back on the right track. If we don't we risk living in a van down by the river.

We have a lot of problems but by far this massive debt, of what... $16 trillion, scares the living daylights out of me. The US economy sucks right now - a horrible 1.4% GDP and cooked job numbers every month for years. Why isn't the media howling about that?

Our credit rating was reduced last year, our debt continues to balloon, there is no budget and no willingness to at least agree to stop the automatic annual spending increases. You think what happened in Greece cannot happen here, think again... the US economy would be the Greek economy on steroids.
Umm, a threat of a fliibuster by the minority of the Senate, you are going to have to provide a link or proof on that....the House has passed legislation on almost everything you listed, Harry Reid will not bring any of it to the floor of the Senate for debate, please get your facts straight.
They're just following the President's lead. When was the last time BO focused on anything except getting reelected?

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