If you want Texas in the PAC-10 ....

Vote For Pedro

500+ Posts
I hope you enjoyed the 9:30 kickoff and the final gun close to 1:00 AM. We'd see a lot of that. There are a lot of attractive things about being in the PAC-10 but this isn't one of them along with the travel distance for fans.
I absolutely loved the late start. Got to watch football appetizers all day long in preparation for the main event.
students to young adult alumni:

not into things like voting or giving $$$ or giving a sh*t quite yet

giving alumni:

not so much into late night kickoffs like that one


big 12 is great. let's stay put, and win this one a few times first.
Don't forget that Arizona does not abserve daylight savings. This could cause massive confusion and widespread hysteria on gamedays.
During the potential breakup of the SWC, A&M had decided to join the SEC and Texas was looking into the PAC 10. They both felt like they fit into those conferences. I'm too lazy to look for the links, but a few politicians felt otherwise soon we had Baylor, Tech, A&M, and Texas going to the Big 8 to form the Big 12.
You're right of course, but almost every game would be held in a great town to visit for a vacation, unlike the assorted hellholes of the Big XII.
You are wise, Scipio. The Big XII's a shotgun wedding Texas has to endure for right now, but a Pac conference with an eastern division of Arizona State, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, USC, and UCLA would be doable, and infinitely preferable to what we have right now. Texas would NOT be playing very many late night games either, and if we had to, we could keep okie and aggy on the schedule as non-conference games. (Nope, aggy, no invite for you to join a re-constituted Pac.)
Texas would represent just fine in the Pac, and this has nothing to do with how we play the okies, or any other team.
The Big XII is a horrifying monster of a conference right now, and all of a sudden people start threads about leaving. Where exactly would Texas go that is in any way better? We have OU, UT, NU and a strong supporting cast of schools that can rise up and get theirs. The SEC and Big XII have 5 teams in the top 25 each and the PAC-10 has 4.

There is also the pertinent fact that Texas is located in the geographic area of the Big 12, while it's nowhere near the PAC-10.
Texas is a Pac 10 school in the Southwest....I would love to see it go independent ala ND...
This discussion is a waste of time...right now. Five years down the road...not so much. Texas and the Big XII is a marriage of convenience, and like most of those unions, not likely to last. There are things that can, and probably will happen a few years down the road to make the PAC a viable alternative...and Texas is likely to choose that alternative. Meantime, enjoy Stillwater, and the rest of the backwater Big XII towns for a few more years.