I was convinced OSU was going to lose


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Has there ever been a more stupid group of people than the OSU fans and players in counting their upset before it happens?

1. Fans coming onto the field in droves to stand behind the bench with around 2:48 left.

2. Tossing Gatorade on the coach with 2:48 left on the clock.

3. Retarded back-up kicker not being able to do anything...even the extra-point at the end. (This not mentioning the atrocious punter who was terrible all night only to get excited because another one of his shanks rolled down to the 1).

4. Horrible kick coverage and defense when USC got the ball back down 27-14.

I was convinced that if ever a team was going to end up with pie on their face it was going to be OSU. I was just waiting for looks on the OSU fans/players faces to be much like Kentcuky's fans when they rushed the field against LSU a few years ago.