I have NEVER seen that call in a football game


10,000+ Posts
I have seen more football games than most on this board, if for no other reason because I'm that old. I have NEVER seen that call.

Baylor player got called for unsportsmanlike conduct, "use of profanity on the field". Now everyone knows that calling a baseball umpire a "**********" means immediate ejection, but I have never seen a "profanity" call in a football game
I have seen more football games than most on this board, if for no other reason because I'm that old. I have NEVER seen that call.

Baylor player got called for unsportsmanlike conduct, "use of profanity on the field". Now everyone knows that calling a baseball umpire a "**********" means immediate ejection, but I have never seen a "profanity" call in a football game

Yup, i thought the same thing... must have said something to ref about his wife, mother or GF.
Remember years ago: "Unsportsmanlike behavior --- givin' 'em th' business."

I think it was an NFL game.

Maybe was unnecessary roughness.
I saw a lot of just a second late hits by West Virginia. None were called. I can imagine with the score and intimidating quasi-dirty play, I'd have been cussing a little.

Thanks for finding the video, still too funny.

I think the ref is quoting NFL rulebook,

Section 3.14159(e), Contact Fouls, Giving Him the Business

"It shall be an infraction if during a play if two or more players fall to the field of play, then engage in roughhousing, roustabouting, boofing, spoofing, punching with fists into the body of an opponent, biting, chewing, clawing, poking eyes out, or other behavior not considered necessary for regular football play conduct.

Penalty of 15 yards and required enrollment in the NFL Anger Management Program within 6 weeks of being called for Giving Him the Business."

(edited from "Them" to "Him")
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Now everyone knows that calling a baseball umpire a "**********" means immediate ejection


saw it live. remember it like it was yesterday.

don't forget where they were...
Giving him the business "down there"
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The early part of the clip shows #93 of the Jets and the announcer IDs him as Marty Lyons pouncing on Bills QB Jim Kelly.

The ref then makes the infraction call as "personal foul, #99 of the Jets" which is Gastineau IIRC.

Then at the end the announcer talks about Lyons on the screen, who is grinning about it all, with a cut over his eye.

Looks like Lyons started it all, Gastineau was always roided up, so he probably jumped into the fracas and was the last seen, so the ref called the penalty on Gastineau.