How will Arky game move alter the season?


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I think it sucks that the game has been moved. My daughter has a pretty big soccer tourney on the 27th so I doubt I'll be able to watch most if any of the game. Nevertheless, I don't live in Texas and feel for those that will be affected by the hurrican and the loss of a weekend of football.

On one hand, I think the move helps Texas in that it avoids a sloppy, turnover-filled, low-scoring game that could bite us in the ***. Yes, I do think Texas is a 2-3 TD better team than Arky. However, throw in a low score with - possibly - lots of turnovers and it helps the underdog.

On the other hand, does this not screw us going into Big 12 play? I think we are a better team than CU and a slightly weaker team than OU. Now, we play a rivalry game, go on the road and play another semi-rivalry game then come back to Dallas to play OU. Again, I think we are better than Arky and CU.

CU will be incredibly pumped up for the game. (See OU game last year). It turns CU into a trap game with several fewer days to prepare.

What do y'all think?
Get a DVR - it's the best way to watch 8 college football games in one day. Enjoy the soccer tournament, don't listen to AM radio, then fire up the DVR and pretend it's live and fast forward through commercials and half-time.
I really preferred the BYE on the 27th. For one thing its after 4 games instead of just 2 so the coaches have more to work with. Also, it nice to have a break closer to the middle of the season. And of course it would have been nice to have before that tough October stretch.

However, either way I still think we beat Ark and CU, and still lose to OU and Mizzou.
I really don't like the extra game they added a couple years ago. Since adding it Texas teams have gotten quite beaten up by the end of the season. This team will have to play nine straight weeks without a break. That's a bit much.
I don't think moving the Arkansas game back will have any effect. If anything it lets the young Texas defenders have a few more weeks to get comfortable before facing the Mighty Casey Dick (which leads the SEC by the way).

Game will still be a blow out. If the Texas D gets just a touch better I will be surprised if Arkansas scores more than once.
It simply gives Texas and it's coaches more time to evaluate what has happened in the first two games and be able to gameplan further for the upcoming games. Doesn't hurt that it gives us another week to heal up from minor nicks players may have suffered in the first two games i.e. McGee.

It will however make it a bigger stretch they have to play week in-week out, but that just makes it more interesting.
I'm thinking it will create a bye this weekend....don't hold me to that though.
So does that mean that since they rescheduled BYE for this weekend that our chances of finally beating them have been helped or hurt?
Wrong, Arkansas plays Alabama at home the week before while Texas plays Rice. Arkansas by having a much tougher opponent will either win and gain a lot of confidence for a young team or lose and come in with a letdown.
Not a big deal. If it does change our season then we are a very weak team. Sure, you dont want things to happen that you didnt expect but you have to learn to deal wth them and play on. I'm sure Mack will be harping on this point. For us, now it's nine straight weeks of UT football!!!