P Perham1 2,500+ Posts Nov 2, 2011 #1 Is it getting your dishes clean? Do you have weird white spots on your dishes? Lipstick not getting removed from glasses? What kind of detergent do you use?
Is it getting your dishes clean? Do you have weird white spots on your dishes? Lipstick not getting removed from glasses? What kind of detergent do you use?
Giovanni Jones 2,500+ Posts Sponsor Nov 3, 2011 #3 Equal parts Cascade and Lemi Shine (because we have hard water). Works like a charm. The Link
G general35 5,000+ Posts Nov 3, 2011 #7 im glad i live in the states. appliances suck in other countries, especially europe and they have crappy water pressure.
im glad i live in the states. appliances suck in other countries, especially europe and they have crappy water pressure.
I35 5,000+ Posts Nov 3, 2011 #8 Put about a quarter cup of vinegar and run it empty. Do this about every 4 to 6 months.
U Uninformed 5,000+ Posts Nov 3, 2011 #9 Mine makes a little humming noise. Are you a Maytag technician?
P Perham1 2,500+ Posts Nov 4, 2011 #11 This is really about how the lack of phosphates is affecting your dishwasher. Some people add tri-sodium phosphate to make up for the difference. It was fairly big news 6-10 months ago or so.
This is really about how the lack of phosphates is affecting your dishwasher. Some people add tri-sodium phosphate to make up for the difference. It was fairly big news 6-10 months ago or so.
M mojo17 1,000+ Posts Nov 4, 2011 #12 General35 the great thing about crappy water in Europe is everyone has crappy water.
C CottonEyedHorn 1,000+ Posts Nov 4, 2011 #13 She used to do a great job, now I think she's just mailing it in so she can watch Housewives of New Jersey,
She used to do a great job, now I think she's just mailing it in so she can watch Housewives of New Jersey,
GreenDragonSix 100+ Posts Nov 5, 2011 #14 Is it getting your dishes clean? Do you have weird white spots on your dishes? Lipstick not getting removed from glasses? What kind of detergent do you use? Sounds like the intro to an informercial at 3 a.m.
Is it getting your dishes clean? Do you have weird white spots on your dishes? Lipstick not getting removed from glasses? What kind of detergent do you use? Sounds like the intro to an informercial at 3 a.m.