How did we allow the Fast Furious F'up to


fade without getting the information from Holder congress asked for and without holding Holder responsible?

Now it has been reported that yet 2 more another Mexican officials were killed with one of the weapons Holder deliberately sent into Mexico with no regard for consequences>

This should be considered serious but I guess there are so many F'Ups by BO and his minions killing 2 Americans and several Mexicans through careless planning has become routine to them.

The Link

"WASHINGTON—A high-powered rifle lost in the ATF’s Fast and Furious controversy was used to kill a Mexican police chief in the state of Jalisco earlier this year, according to internal Department of Justice records, suggesting that weapons from the failed gun-tracking operation have now made it into the hands of violent drug cartels deep inside Mexico.

Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga, the police chief in the city of Hostotipaquillo, was shot to death Jan. 29 when gunmen intercepted his patrol car and opened fire. Also killed was one of his bodyguards. His wife and a second bodyguard were wounded."
So, when one party screws up you should always blame the other party. W ****** up so let's blame dems for running gore? Why don't we just blame the person/party that screwed up since, you know, they are the ones that ****** up.
Let's see, folks who want to loosen all controls on tracking weapons are upset because the organization they hamstrung with help of NRA lobbyist was inept at tracking weapons.

Hard to see why the public loses interest in that kind of a "scandal" after a while.
What is that liberal gibberish, try that again, it made no sense and how does the NRA have anything to do with giving guns to illegal drug cartels criminals?

Quite obvious from that post you have nothing, as usual, the power of the messenger outweighs the message everytime.
So the NRA getting a provision attached to a bill that requires senate confirmation of an ATF director and the fact that the NRA has successfully lobbied against confirmation of any ATF director since Congress has had the power to thwart that is somehow irrelevant?

Not even the Bush Administration could find someone acceptabe to the NRA to run the ATF. If you don't trust me on these 'facts' then just follow this link. The Link

Maybe Major you have links that exculpate the NRA from hamstringing the ATF? Or it it merely enough to say mine are BS? Do you have any reason to feel the NRA wants prudent, responsible and robust ATF? .
What exactly recommends this guy to be permanent head?

This from croc's link
"B. Todd Jones, the man President Barack Obama wants to be the first permanent director the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has had since 2006, is the same man the administration trusted to clean up the beleaguered agency after the "Fast and Furious" scandal."

and he did such a FINE job of cleaning the ATF up didn't he?

Great misdirection attempt.

The lineup going back to the first administration.


Leaving us to wonder ...

In the Bush did it too category;

Bush placed in sensetive and powerful position partisan Republicans who were married to and related to other partisan Republicans who advocated effectively for his party. I think the idea of giving positions to people on your side politically either started with John Adams or perhaps the president before him.

Also, Bush, was unable to find a suitable appointee (By NRA lobbyist and politicos who do their bidding) for the ATF leadership position. NO ONE has been confirmed since the Senate has had the power to confirm the person who holds that post, which started in 2006.

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