How cool is this play?

Reminds me of when our soccer team got burned in high school with a similar stunt. We were defending a corner kick. Other team was arguing about who would kick it. "You kick it, no you kick it..."

Finally one of them gently taps the ball over to his teammate and says, "No YOU'RE supposed to kick it..." We were all just standing around waiting for them to get their **** together and take the damn corner kick, not realizing it was a live ball, as they guy just turned and punched it straight into the goal.

I generally think trick plays are chickenshit, but I sure did enjoy the Boise State win over OU a couple years ago.
yeah thats a good trick play for high school or junior high. however i would tend to think players in college and the NFL would be a little smarter than to fall for it.
That play sucks as much as the little league play where the second baseman pretends to throw the ball back to the pitcher, lets the runner get his leadoff and then tags him out. It's only within the letter of the rules, certainly not the spirit. That football coach calling that play sucks.
Agree with dj. That play is chickenshit and reeks of a coach who wants to embarrass a bunch of 12-year-olds.

I'd like to see him call the same play when his team is down by 6 in the 4th quarter.
That defense is a bunch of retards. Never in my life have I seen anyone but a ref swap out a football at the HS or higher level. If I saw the other team line up and give the ball to the qb, I'm going. The ref's didn't blow the whistle, the play wasn't stopped.
I think it's chickenshit too. The only levels of football that this would work at are the levels at which coaches should be teaching football fundamentals and not crap like this.
Houston Nutt's not above that either. Just ask Auburn AND Alabama. Fish play, bucket snap. I bet Jevan Snead is getting a full dose of chicanery and deception in Oxford.
There's a version of that play somewhere on YouTube at the pee wee football level. If I was the opposing coach and someone pulled that chickenshit play on a bunch of my 10 to 12 years olds I think I would calmly walk over to the other coach and kick him in the d**k.
I was just about to say I just saw someone do it to a bunch of pop-warner kids.. That would make me pretty upset especially if I was a parent. If HS school players are dumb enough to fall for it then thats one thing, but little kids dont know any better...

If anything(for the HS video), the defensive coach needs to have his players prepared. A side snap is legal.. and when do you ever see a ref change out the ball after everyone is lined up? I think that would be a never.

Great coaching in HS. Chicken **** in pee-wee.

My question is where is the CB?? There is NO ONE on the right side of the feild. You think theyd have atleast someone over there in the flat or something.
I do remember a game in the NFL== maybe Pittsburgh 8 yrs ago or so-- they lined up to run out the clock in a tie game-the qbfaked kneeling and a wr did a hook--nobody around and caught the pass and scored