House and Senate knew about syping


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Boehner originally played it coy about what he knew and what he didn't know about the data-mining program. But this morning on Good Morning America, he admitted that the House and Senate Intelligence committees knew about the program and its scope.

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Several in both parties knew some about what the NSA was doing
Now WE do
and maybe. maybe we can get this changed
if we don't get distracted by other shiny objects.
Yep. The GOP will try to claim superiority on this, but they don't have any. Both parties have been totally hypocritical as hell. Unless your last name is "Paul" or "Wyden," you have no credibility on the issue.
before you get snarked on by the snarkers who will say they can't comment on the content since the headline is so wrong
your thread headline needs correcting.
I get your point but
'House and Senate knew about syping "
it is SPYING
and in spite of what BO said not all of the House and Senate knew. There were Dems and GOP who had did not know.

Now we all know and thankfully there are many on both sides who will I think work to get this changed. YES it should have been changed even during Bush but it was not

so let's change it now
and the change will affect whichever party is in the WH
This is one of those fundamentally tough situations, my beliefs and everything I stand for says no.

Then I think, what if.......

Same way I feel about Guantanamo and Enhanced Interrogation Techniques........while I fundamentally believe it is wrong, I have to ask What if they stop just one attack or save just one life..........

tough question........

good thinking
This seems like a reasoned approach from Cana
" in fact I don't even mind a mistake here and there. Just don't spy on anyone without reason. "

One thing about this NSA issue it is deflecting from BO's other debacles
does it seem the admin is so out of control it is a whack a mole admin

I shouldn't have laughed at the State Dept shutting down an investigation into a big BO supporter who is now an ambassador and was being investigated for possible pedophilia.
One needs a spread sheet and maybe a priority chart to keep track of the crap coming out on the BO gov't.

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