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Saw this on HBO the other day. Very eye opening and interesting movie.
Thought it was revealing when they said that since Caps have been put in place in civil suits here in Texas that physician premiums and healthcare costs have continued to go up. The argument previous was that physicians could not afford their insurance premiums and were passing these costs on down the line, however since the caps the insurance companies have not passed on the savings they have reaped to the physicians and thus to the public.
Interested to hear thoughts from other posters one this topic or many of the other topics presented in the film including binding arbitration and campaign finance reform.
Saw this on HBO the other day. Very eye opening and interesting movie.
Thought it was revealing when they said that since Caps have been put in place in civil suits here in Texas that physician premiums and healthcare costs have continued to go up. The argument previous was that physicians could not afford their insurance premiums and were passing these costs on down the line, however since the caps the insurance companies have not passed on the savings they have reaped to the physicians and thus to the public.
Interested to hear thoughts from other posters one this topic or many of the other topics presented in the film including binding arbitration and campaign finance reform.