

5,000+ Posts
Hello, my name is Cary, and I'm a Hornfanaholic. I recognize some of you, and applaud your courage for being here, and getting help for this addiction. My wife has been "urging" me for years to get help: "Your addicted; you can't stop; every day, hours upon hours."

But I've been in denial, making excuses like, "Its fun," "Its a release for stress," Or "whats wrong with liking Hornfans," "I could be doing a lot worse, you know." Or, cringe, "what if I were a Baylor fan, or god help us, ou fan; or (cringe) aggie fan?" And this has shut her up, because even she can see the horror of a spouse who would follow any of those putrefied programs.

So I was able to move along, getting my regular fixes of Hornfans, enjoying life, until last night, when it all came crashing down.

You see (and I know I'm not alone here, and I appreciate the support) when I went to my Horn cave to sign in last night, the site was DOWN!! Under repair or some such. And when I saw that, I went down; first to my knees, then full fetal on the floor. It must have been a horrific sight for Mrs. Caryhorn. Seeing me laid out like that, as though Cory Redding had Bomared me or something; whimpering, pouting. Shameful. Sort of.

So that was it. I couldn't deny it any longer. And I'm glad I finally came in and admitted that I have a problem, and I have no control, and I need a higher power. Speaking of power, where is the computer room, ah, good, looks like there's one open now. Great hook up, so to speak. Nice!

Go Horns!!!

And by the way OU SUCKS!!
Hi. Rain here...
And I am a hornfanaholic.
I really can't explain how it started. Sometime around when I first followed Godz40 and JoeFan. It's their fault!!
...Oh wait..no.. It's mine. My responsibility. Mine. --smh---
At first I was just glancing, that led to reading more posts, and then searching various threads. And then one day...I registered. I really didn't intend on ever posting, but it happened. And after that...well..you know.
So, my wife would have a problem with it; and she didn't really understand when I tried to explain the new "Like Bar"... especially the "Poop"...
...but it is waaay better, and much less costly, than my former online stock trading addiction.
Hey, wait, don't I know you from somewhere??
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Online stock trading in 98-00

Online stock trading in late 00-01


Ah the 90's, good times, good times.
Online stock trading in 98-00

Online stock trading in late 00-01


Ah the 90's, good times, good times.
Thanks for the memories...or not.
Remember that time I bought Waste Management at 1.98 and sold it at $2.40 for a huge profit?
Or the time I bought Dell in 98 and it split for the second time and I took profits?
Oh..yeah yeah...then there was the great move of buying a few airline stocks right after 911...and bailing out only a year or so too soon.
Buying Amazon at 390...yes sir. I think we made 29.00 appx. on that one..before fees and taxes, that is.
And rare earth metals. Man...we "made" a ton of money on that. Well..at least... for a moment we did. It sure felt good! I wonder what LYC is doing now??
And fuel cell stocks. We killed it!! No, really, we killed it.
Ahh..the good ol days...