There is a lot of truth in what you say^^. I remember I was in college at North Texas in 1969 and it was the week of UT v Arkansas. Texas was #1 and Ark #2. Everybody (or so I thought) in Texas and Arkansas was pumped for the game, even kids like me who loved DKR and UT, but weren't students at either school at that time.
So I was on campus talking to some guys I shared classes with and excitedly asked them what they thought about the game, who would win, etc.
One of the guys, shook his head and grimaced, and said, "I don't give a **** about that game, why would I care about those teams."
I was shocked. I'm sure my face showed it, too. The fellow I was talking to was black. And that fact, that UT and UA did not allow black players at that time was why the young man was bitterly voicing his feelings of being disinterested--and disconnected--and disallowed fundamentally from forming an attachment to UT football. Until that moment I was too stupid, too ill informed, and too much in my mostly white bubble to know how painful it must have been to be a born and raised Texan and having to leave the state to play big time college football at the highest level because of the color of one's skin.
At that time North Texas had been integrated athletically for years. In fact, my older brother played at NT with Abner Haynes in the 1950's.
The SWC schools, sadly, came late to integrated athletics.