Here we go again

I'm ok with them doing this. But what I would like to know is what THEY are actually going to do about it besides make a list of demands or sit out practices or games. I promise you sitting out practices and games does nothing for their cause except maybe make them feel better that they did something to punish us rich and racist white folk. People will just stop watching and their future opportunity vanishes.

How about they go out in the community and build relationships. Seek to understand others and tell their stories so other people might better understand them. I also think someone credible to them needs to explain that Antifa and BLM really don't care about them, they are both working towards bringing about socialism in a very violent and manipulative way.
I guess you didn't read the last couple of paragraphs in the tweet we are discussing.
Going out into the community is exactly what they are doing.
And, I can show you proof of white nationalists and boogaloo boys creating violence at these rallies and even trying to pin it on BLM or Antifa.
Show me any proof at all that something called Antifa is doing anything.
I guess you didn't read the last couple of paragraphs in the tweet we are discussing.
Going out into the community is exactly what they are doing.
And, I can show you proof of white nationalists and boogaloo boys creating violence at these rallies and even trying to pin it on BLM or Antifa.
Show me any proof at all that something called Antifa is doing anything.

Thanks, I did not read the whole thing....didn't even realize it was a link, just thought it was a copy and paste. :smile1:

Regarding the "proof", you and I could go back and forth for months arguing it and neither of us would budge an inch. I've seen so much violence, destruction of property and just ugly ugly behavior I will not ever believe it's all caused by white nationalists. I'm sure there are a few examples, however these cities burning to the ground can not be pinned on white racists trying to give the good black community a bad name.
I guess you didn't read the last couple of paragraphs in the tweet we are discussing.
Going out into the community is exactly what they are doing.
And, I can show you proof of white nationalists and boogaloo boys creating violence at these rallies and even trying to pin it on BLM or Antifa.
Show me any proof at all that something called Antifa is doing anything.

MD,I think you smoked too much of the killer weed in the 60s
Thanks, I did not read the whole thing....didn't even realize it was a link, just thought it was a copy and paste. :smile1:

Regarding the "proof", you and I could go back and forth for months arguing it and neither of us would budge an inch. I've seen so much violence, destruction of property and just ugly ugly behavior I will not ever believe it's all caused by white nationalists. I'm sure there are a few examples, however these cities burning to the ground can not be pinned on white racists trying to give the good black community a bad name.

Oh, I'm not saying other blacks and whites aren't taking advantage of the situation.
I'm just saying you can't prove any organization calling itself antifa is behind it.
I haven't witnessed any public antifa presence since they stood up to and counter protested the "very fine people" carrying torches and nazi and confederate flags and chanting "Jews No More" thru the streets of S. Carolina.
I would have stood with them had I been there.
But they haven't taken any action. They skipped out on a day of work, wrote up a list of demands, then went back to their palatial dorms and enjoyed the finest foods money can buy, while basking in the love of admirers on Twitter.

Their three demands are foolish. If you're not a member of a church you don't get to demand what their weekly message is, anymore that fans should demand what the team talks about at team meetings.

If players want to hold a monthly King Biscuit Flour Hour with Austin PD representatives I guess they can, though a ride along with them would do more to show what it's like to be a police office in a major city.

The last demand is just silly. Public employees, be they police, fire, or from the Department of Sanitation, are not accountable to local members of the football team. They don't have to submit to interviews from jocks, any more than fans should be able to hold interviews with members of the football team when they do things like say, jump offsides and negate what should have been the game losing missed field goal by ISU, then discuss what measures should be taken against the player who violated football rules and lost the game.

Now there are often civilian review boards for police involved uses of deadly force. If Austin has one then the players can seek to join such a board, taking into account that they will need to review and become familiar with statutory law, case law, and department policy with regards to the use of force and deadly force.

You just can't sit on such a board like you're in the audience of The Jerry Springer Show and boo or cheer based on who you like. Your statements and decisions have to be based on law, precedent, and policy. All boring things that I doubt too many of them are going to want to do, bless them if they do. along with playing football, and keeping their grades high enough to remain eligible.

My favorite line from Jaws is when Robert Shaw's Quinn character is ranting and raving, and the Sheriff says "You're not going to be like this on the boat are you?".

That's how I feel about all this. "You're not going to do this during the season are you?". Let's hope once the season starts the focus is football.

But it's still a free country, if players want to skip practice the week of the OU game because some particular person got shot in a country of 330 million people, it's up to them. Same with fans caring about the team and who wins.
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But they haven't taken any action. They skipped out on a day of work, wrote up a list of demands, then went back to their palatial dorms and enjoyed the finest foods money can buy, while basking in the love of admirers on Twitter.

Their three demands are foolish. If you're not a member of a church you don't get to demand what their weekly message is, anymore that fans should demand what the team talks about at team meetings.

If players want to hold a monthly King Biscuit Flour Hour with Austin PD representatives I guess they can, though a ride along with them would do more to show what it's like to be a police office in a major city.

The last demand is just silly. Public employees, be they police, fire, or from the Department of Sanitation, are not accountable to local members of the football team. They don't have to submit to interviews from jocks, any more than fans should be able to hold interviews with members of the football team when they do things like say, jump offsides and negate what should have been the game losing missed field goal by ISU, then discuss what measures should be taken against the player who violated football rules and lost the game.

Now there are often civilian review boards for police involved uses of deadly force. If Austin has one then the players can seek to join such a board, taking into account that they will need to review and become familiar with statutory law, case law, and department policy with regards to the use of force and deadly force.

You just can't sit on such a board like you're in the audience of The Jerry Springer Show and boo or cheer based on who you like. Your statements and decisions have to be based on law, precedent, and policy. All boring things that I doubt too many of them are going to want to do, bless them if they do. along with playing football, and keeping their grades high enough to remain eligible.

My favorite line from Jaws is when Robert Shaw's Quinn character is ranting and raving, and the Sheriff says "You're not going to be like this on the boat are you?".

That's how I feel about all this. "You're not going to do this during the season are you?". Let's hope once the season starts the focus is football.

But it's still a free country, if players want to skip practice the week of the OU game because some particular person got shot in a country of 330 million people, it's up to them. Same with fans caring about the team and who wins.
No, I see a few things they want to do concerning community outreach with churches and the police department.
I see nothing framed as a demand.
Moon, do you actually believe that Antifa or BLM is a benevolent organization dedicated to improving the lives of blacks — or individuals — in this country? I'm not picking on you but honestly I don’t understand how any objective, “informed” individual could hold that opinion.

Where Antifa and BLM goes, violence and destruction follows. And we have many on the Left encouraging such behavior. The VP candidate and Maxine Waters to name just two. NO ONE on the Left is disavowing the behavior.

Both are dangerous groups committed to destabilizing the country and sadly, many - and I mean many — unsuspecting and well intended individuals are being manipulated into going along.

I’ve said this before. Growing up I wondered how evil like Hitler, Stalin, Castro or more recently Maduro could gain power. How could a population surrender their liberty, willingly, to such monsters? Now I understand. Lie to the people long enough, as the media has been doing, and many unsuspecting and well intended folks will consume the poison.

We are at a very frightening moment in the history of this country. Everyday I pray that the masses wake up before it’s too late. Players like Thompson are just ignorant pawns.
Where Antifa and BLM goes, violence and destruction follows
Prove that Antifa is even an organized entity much less causing violence and destruction.

I’ve said this before. Growing up I wondered how evil like Hitler, Stalin, Castro or more recently Maduro could gain power. How could a population surrender their liberty, willingly, to such monsters? Now I understand. Lie to the people long enough, as Trump has been doing, and many unsuspecting and well intended folks will consume the poison.

while they are instructing the police on proper procedure they need to remind some others in the community that when the officer tells you that you are under arrest and need to put your hands behind your back then you need to put your hands behind your back and shut the **** up until your attorney meets with you.
ONE way to improve "OUR" SOCIETY is to quit treating athletes like they are anything but a bunch of trained animals who perform for the entertainment of others. How they feel about a tackle they made or pass they caught is difficult for many of them to explain. How does one explain one's feelings anyway?

Just shut up and perform and remember you have not cured cancer yet or come up with a new way to make autos run without destroying the environment or anything else of any importance and being a good jock will not get anything useful done.
Prove that Antifa is even an organized entity much less causing violence and destruction.
Just to be unambiguous, you are claiming that Antifa is not an organized movement and that they do not use any means necessary, including violence, to push their agenda. Is that correct?
This would be hilarious...if it weren't so absurd.
One more chess move by the msm and all its suckers in a never ending, desperate attempt to keep the targets moving until they can hit anything at all that matters in light of the reality any thinking and discerning person can clearly see.
So, we are suppose to believe now that this year of riots, cops attacked, burning buildings, looted and vandalized businesses, defacing of public (and private) property, destruction of public and private property, destruction of historical monuments, and disregard for law and order .. not to mention human decency and integrity..are either make believe or the responsibility of persons and groups not on the.....something that rhymes with deft and starts with an L??
What a crock......What is this....Alice in Wonderland?? I am one on here that likes to see all points of views and be ultra respectful to those with whom I disagree but this is total nonsense and should be disregarded on the surface as first degree certified hogwash and propaganda. Crazy to think those who once rallied against the big bad powers that be now kneel at their altar. You guys keep it up....Repeating (self) deception and distortion may make you feel better...and said often enough will definitely fool some....but it will do nothing to change the cold hard truth. Anyone who wishes to see truth can certainly see who is behind the vast majority of the despicable, vile, disgusting, and wholly unwarranted and unproductive behavior we've seen this year.
Apparently, these people shift their personal views with whatever the msms angle of the day is (check it out today for yourself and see how they move in lockstep to shift focus). It changes nothing about what we know we have witnessed this year and what type of philosophies that are behind it.
It isnt even worthy of debate and attempting to dialogue with someone who is in that degree of self delusion is a complete and utter waste of time.
I care about what young Mr. Thompson tweeted...and dont have much problem with and of itself....but there's some pure rubbish on this thread. There ARE people in this country who care and want to bring us back to be the people we all dream of being together...
...and then there are some who are just full of crap. (whether they realize it or not)
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Moon, I defer to Rain:

This would be hilarious...if it weren't so absurd.
One more chess move by the msm and all its suckers in a never ending, desperate attempt to keep the targets moving until they can hit anything at all that matters in light of the reality any thinking and discerning person can clearly see.
So, we are suppose to believe now that this year of riots, cops attacked, burning buildings, looted and vandalized businesses, defacing of public (and private) property, destruction of public and private property, destruction of historical monuments, and disregard for law and order .. not to mention human decency and integrity..are either make believe or the responsibility of persons and groups not on the.....something that rhymes with deft and starts with an L??
What a crock......What is this....Alice in Wonderland?? I am one on here that likes to see all points of views and be ultra respectful to those with whom I disagree but this is total nonsense and should be disregarded on the surface as first degree certified hogwash and propaganda. Crazy to think those who once rallied against the big bad powers that be now kneel at their altar. You guys keep it up....Repeating (self) deception and distortion may make you feel better...and said often enough will definitely fool some....but it will do nothing to change the cold hard truth. Anyone who wishes to see truth can certainly see who is behind the vast majority of the despicable, vile, disgusting, and wholly unwarranted and unproductive behavior we've seen this year.
Apparently, these people shift their personal views with whatever the msms angle of the day is (check it out today for yourself and see how they move in lockstep to shift focus). It changes nothing about what we know we have witnessed this year and what type of philosophies that are behind it.
It isnt even worthy of debate and attempting to dialogue with someone who is in that degree of self delusion is a complete and utter waste of time.
I care about what young Mr. Thompson tweeted...and dont have much problem with and of itself....but there's some pure rubbish on this thread. There ARE people in this country who care and want to bring us back to be the people we all dream of being together...
...and then there are some who are just full of crap. (whether they realize it or not)

Like he said: “What is this....Alice in Wonderland??”
You got it.
The fact that you buy the "good people on both sides" hoax says it all, Moon. No one who is being intellectually honest could hear that press conference in context and come away with that understanding of what was said. It explains all the rest of your "understanding" you are sharing on this thread.
We still cool,
The fact that you buy the "good people on both sides" hoax says it all, Moon. No one who is being intellectually honest could hear that press conference in context and come away with that understanding of what was said. It explains all the rest of your "understanding" you are sharing on this thread.
We still cool,
Good people on both sides hoax?
Are you saying this wasn't said?
Maybe something we can agree on...or at least part of it...
Tom Herman: 'Our job as a compassionate society is to listen'

I've got little to no problem with this^^^^^^....or with young Mr. Thompsons tweet and the current expressions from the guys....
It is when the political/national scope of the argument comes in that they lose me. Individuals who really are sincere...who want to be heard...a true multi perspective dialogue on issues that matter to my fellow problem.
But there is much more going on than just this^^^^^^...and it isnt good....and that is why people like me have issues with it.
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Good people on both sides hoax?
Are you saying this wasn't said?
Absolutely...listen to the presser in context or read transcript even. No one thinks he said that except the msm, joe biden, and the dnc
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

The Very Fine People Hoax

Joe Biden launched his campaign by lying about Donald Trump

I dont need these websites to defend my position. All one has to do is listen to the entire segment in full context and it is undeniable and inarguable what was being said. He explicitly condemned the neo nazi/white supremacists but was pointing out that not all who were there should be vilified and there were some fine people on both sides.(of the REL statue removal argument)
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Read the transcript.

I think moon is more preposterous than that. I think he’s saying antifa is not even an organized group period.
Absolutely...listen to the presser in context or read transcript even. No one thinks he said that except the msm, joe biden, and the dnc
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

The Very Fine People Hoax

Joe Biden launched his campaign by lying about Donald Trump

I dont need these websites to defend my position. All one has to do is listen to the entire segment in full context and it is undeniable and inarguable what was being said. He explicitly condemned the neo nazi/white supremacists but was pointing out that not all who were there should be vilified and there were some fine people on both sides.(of the REL statue removal

I am going to acquiesce on this point.
After reading the transcript, I THINK you are correct.
I listened to the press conference at the time and heard what I heard.
If he didn't speak in such a rambling fashion he would be a better communicator.
I believe you are correct but not 100% sure.
And you do need those websites if you are going to convince someone like me.

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