I am having some friends over on Wednesday to watch Lost. Usually when I am feeding a bunch of people I make Baked Ziti but I want to try something new. I need a recipe that will feed at least 6 people and is cheap and relatively easy to make.
Take salmon, brush with soy sauce. Cook in broiler on high for 10 minutes. Take small bowl, put 2 T soy sauce, 1 T rice vinegar, some honey, some sugar, some Sriacha, 1 t seasme oil, and fresh lemon juice, stir up. Take 1 avocado, cut into thin stips easier if you throw it in fridge or freezer first.
Serve salmon with avocado seasoning on top. It is deicious.
You're on the right track with pasta. Tough to get cheaper and easier. Maybe just a variation with spaghetti or lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. If you're pressed for time, pick up a frozen lasagna at Costco or wherever you shop.
Depending on the taste of your friends, Japanese soba soup is easy, tasty, and relatively cheap. Pick up a few sushi rolls to go if you want to complement it. If they're more the Tex-Mex kind, try tortilla soup, chips, salsa, and queso. If you need a tortilla soup recipe, ask here and I'll try to dig ours up.
boil enough water to accomodate 1 lb of bow-tie pasta.
in a large skillet, brown 6 italian sausages removed from their casing. do a mixture of sweet and hot.
once sausage is browned, add some olive oil, 2-3 TBS and then add crimini mushrooms cut into quarters. I love mushrooms so I add a lot, but do to your taste.
when mushrooms are done, hopefully your pasta is boiling.
Now add a bag of frozen sweet peas to the sausage/mushrooms. remember to add olive oil as necessary as it is the only thing binding the mixture.
drain pasta and add to the skillet, toss over low heat for a minute. remove from heat, add fresh grated parmesan and serve.
I've got a super easy, ridiculously tasty spaghetti recipe I've been meaning to post on here that my folks made, and every time I make it for people they want the recipe. I'll try to remember to post it tonight.
but basically I make the sauce, some kind of pasta and do some garlic bread in the oven (homeade) and a couple bottels of wine, and it alwasys works.