heckuva speech, Trumpy

Let CA secede, the US would be better off.

Not really because the next liberal administration would funnel billions in foreign aid to them anyway without them having to send anything back. If we could somehow block aid permanently, it would be hilarious to see the process. Grab the popcorn boys!!
Not really because the next liberal administration would funnel billions in foreign aid to them anyway without them having to send anything back. If we could somehow block aid permanently, it would be hilarious to see the process. Grab the popcorn boys!!
Without CA's electoral votes it would be a long time before the libs recapture the white house.
Let CA secede, the US would be better off.
Alternative approach - split CA into two states, leaving the coastal blue cities as a state and making the rest of the state into East California, resulting in two more Republican seats in the Senate and freeing the East CA residents of the burdensome policies of CA.
Alternative approach - split CA into two states, leaving the coastal blue cities as a state and making the rest of the state into East California, resulting in two more Republican seats in the Senate and freeing the East CA residents of the burdensome policies of CA.
Maybe we could split it right down the San Andreas fault line or something.
Alternative approach - split CA into two states, leaving the coastal blue cities as a state and making the rest of the state into East California, resulting in two more Republican seats in the Senate and freeing the East CA residents of the burdensome policies of CA.

This right here. Do the same thing for Oregon and Washington.
Do the same thing for Oregon and Washington.
Great thought, Mona. You could see the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington combining to form a new state - very conservative. That would free them from the idoits in Seattle/Tacoma and Olympia and Portland/Salem who make the whole states suffer under liberal policies.
Great thought, Mona. You could see the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington combining to form a new state - very conservative. That would free them from the idoits in Seattle/Tacoma and Olympia and Portland/Salem who make the whole states suffer under liberal policies.

Should do this in Ilinois and New York now that I think about it. If you could somehow give Northern VA to Maryland that would help too.
I never heard of the USAID until a few days ago. Now, it seems to be the biggest issue on any Dem's mind.

I'm with Kennedy on this. Who cares what they think?

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