5,000+ Posts
I was filling up my tank this morning and I saw a common site: An overweight to obese woman got into her car and immediately lit up a cigarette. As new socialized medicine alternatives emerge, do you have a problem paying for people who basically don't give a damn about their own health? Basically, do you feel compelled to give money and services to people who don't care enough to take care of themselves? Do you consider the government altruistic and is there a limit to that altruism?
As an alternative, the entire premise of this thread could be wrong. Do you feel that many people don't know what is bad for them? Do we need new government programs to teach people what are right and wrong health choices? Do we need the government to help with those choices by taxing bad behaviors such as fast food consumption, fatty diets, oil/grease consumption, and cigarettes?
As an alternative, the entire premise of this thread could be wrong. Do you feel that many people don't know what is bad for them? Do we need new government programs to teach people what are right and wrong health choices? Do we need the government to help with those choices by taxing bad behaviors such as fast food consumption, fatty diets, oil/grease consumption, and cigarettes?