Hashing in Austin?


250+ Posts
Is there a Hashing group in Austin?

And no I don't mean weed.

I am talking about a group of disorganized runners that follow a path set by road markers made of flour, and then stop at pitstops to have beer or shots. Then at the finish line there are chips, cookies, cokes, and all other sorts of junk food.
What in the hell... you want to elaborate on what this hashing is?
i used to hash in riyadh, that included running or walking in some remote part of the desert on saturdays, with tang, beer and fruit as refreshments. it was pretty fun.
That actually sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm going o check this out when I get back to Austin next month.

Has anyone here done one of these?
I learned about this while on a Consultin project in San Fransicso this summer.

Two of my friends from High School live in SF and they invited me to come Hash with them one night around 6pm in July. (For those of you who haven't been to SF, a typcial July evening hits a cool 40 F)

So, I arrive at Golden Gate Park and find myself in the company of 30 other crazy Hashers who are waiting for the "Hares" to arrive. Not knowing what the hell is going on, where we are going, what I am supposed to do, etc. I wait around until 2 individuals show up with large bags of flour.

They introduce themselves as the Hares and tell us they will be marking the trail for the evening. Then they take off. We are supposed to follow the trail they make out of flour, although there are also "Fake" trails that are designed to get us lost.

So, we all depart 10 minutes later looking for some signs of flour on the ground, the pack soon becoming less dense as everyone decides to take their own paths looking for the markers made of flours.

If you end up following the correct trail, there are stops every mile or so where you can stop and chug a beer, or take a shot of tequila or some other liquor. Of course you don't know how long you will be running until you reach the end...so you just keep running and hoping to stay on the right path.

So finally, after running around Golden Gate Park for 2 hours, and running 6 miles while taking 2 shots, chugging 2 beers and taking all sorts of wrong turns, we arrive back where we started and enjoy our reward...

More beer, more alcohol, more cookies, chips, candy, and all the things you aren't supposed to eat when you exercise, but hey, these are the Hash House Harriers...

Truly a remarkable experience...

Even more entertaining was Hashing the following week through downtown SF...nothing like looking or flour trails on Market Street while everyone around you is wondering what the hell is going on while people yell "On On!!"

Ya''ll should give it a try...
So you basically just run around chasing people and then you drink along the way only to be greeted by more drinking and eating when you are done?

Sounds like a plan to me. Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!