Harris Branch Pond and Sails


25+ Posts
Lately I have been driving by Harris Branch out on 290. There is a pond there that a few years ago had (i think) three Sail Boat type sails that were anchored in concrete in the pond.

The concrete is still there, the holes for the masts, but no sails.

What happened to them? Dangerous in high winds?

Anyone know?
Harris Branch is built smack dab on top of the old City dump.

They probably deteriorated from all the crap in the ground out there.
The sails would rip a lot, so I'm guessing the developer didn't want to pay and the HOA didn't want to pay, so they just stopped replacing the sails.
True story about the Harris Branch pond right off of 290. I used to go fishing there occasionally. Wasn't supposed to, but did anyway. Catch a few bass, cats, etc... One day I was fishing in my spot when I noticed a funny looking log on the bank about 25' away. Thought nothing of it at first, but I couldn't get the log out of my mind. Something seemed odd about it. It was dark brown and black looking about 3' long and as thick as a football, and shaped liked elbow pasta, at least the part on the bank. For some reason the log didn't seem right, so I picked up a rock and tossed it at the log, nothing happened. Still not convinced the log was a real log, I threw another rock, this time hitting the log. My "log" moved and slithered into the pond heading my direction. I nearly **** my pants! I grabbed my fishing gear and hauled *** in the opposite direction, the whole time looking to see if my "log" was going to surface. It never did, and I still have no true idea what it actually was. My first guess is someone let their pet snake go at the pond and it became monsterous in size. Still think it could have been a small gator or some other reptile, but I don't know for sure. Never have been fishing there again, and that was probably 7 years ago.
This sounds plausible. Anyone have a contact for the HOA. I want to drop them an e-mail and ask.

I've been the president of the HOA in Harris Branch for about a year. I would have responded earlier, but I seem to have lost my password. The earlier poster had the explanation mostly correct as far as I understand it. The only thing I'd change was that the developer was running the HOA, so the decision not to replace them was made by a single entity.

Now, time to dive back in to some Horns talk.