Hard Liquor question

move to arizona, where, not only can you buy at grocery stores, but at the circle K. Nothing like getting a little $2.99 bottle of absolut and a red bull for the car ride out to the bars
My guess is probably for the same reason liquor stores can't be open on Sunday... Just a remnant of the old "blue" laws that dictated what could and couldn't be sold on certain days and stuff. Car dealerships only being able to be open one day of the weekend are another holdover of those silly and stupid laws..
Yes, I often compare hard liquor and car dealerships. If you aren't careful and don't watch what you are doing, you could get seriously screwed.

But its only good in one scenario.
Sec. 22.14. SEPARATE PREMISES REQUIRED. (a) The premises of a package store shall
be completely separated from the premises of other businesses by a solid, opaque wall from floor to
ceiling, without connecting doors, shared bathroom facilities, or shared entry foyers.
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code
In California I know you can buy hard liquor at the grocerystores, and if I am not mistaken you can do it pretty late at night....
In Colorado you can buy only "3.2" beer/malt beverages in grocery & convenience stores. All other alcholoc beverages can be sold only in liquor stores, which (like car dealerships) cannot be open on Sundays.

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