H. Hill


1,000+ Posts
Only post, but Hill's suspension also was a major factor in the game, in MHO. Every time I saw a TTU completion it seemed no. 18 was chasing and missing tackles. I don't think that would have happened with Hill. The defense was not near as good without Hill as it was before he was suspended.
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I thought he smoked a joint, is that wrong? If that merits a total suspension, I guess I am wrong and we just need better back ups. Sorry if I offended.
Doubt if it was a one time deal. Generally to get 3 games you've test positive multiple times. Going to hurt his draft status.
. Every time I saw a TTU completion it seemed no. 18 was chasing and missing tackles

Are you suggesting that Tech exploited our weakness? Novel concept. I have heard rumors that 11 of 12 teams that played OU tried to do that. You could be on to something, but not sure it well sell at Mensa.
Doubt if it was a one time deal. Generally to get 3 games you've test positive multiple times. Going to hurt his draft status.
I thought it would hurt his draft status also but then I think about the guy from ole miss the big OL that had all those videos and stories leak right before the draft. The darth vadar bong video meme thing was hilarious
65, all posts are welcomed. It's just that, after Friday night, most of us are on edge and with a short fuse.
After that debacle Friday night, I didn't come on here, I didn't watch or listen to any post game or read anything else about the game. I was too pi$$ed to do any of that. I started to sense even before halftime that we had an excellent chance of losing and my anger just started growing at that point. Finally checked in here sometime yesterday. I'm still upset but it is more of a steady boil instead of white hot flames.
I did not intend that question as an attack. My apologies if it came across as such. I am much more disappointed/angry with the player who merited such a suspension than in the coach who had to enforce it. And I wondered why another poster would take the opposite side.

From my perspective, if you have a program with rules you have to enforce them for everybody from the last benchwarmer to the biggest star, or else everybody immediately learns there is one set of written rules, but two (or more) sets of enforced rules. When that lesson is internalized by the team I cannot fathom how bad it must be for locker room morale.
Your post is right on, actually. Our defense was indeed hurt by Hill's absence. His suspension made a difference, even though Boyd played his heart out. Hill is (was) our best corner. He's probably a first or 2nd round draft pick. I wish the cowboys had him. He would improve their secondary.

TH has his rules, and god only knows what they are and why some folks get in his dog house. Hill not only got in the dog house, he got put in the hole under the cellar of the doghouse.

TH's personnel decisions have baffled a lot of horn fans this season. Warren, Buechelle, Hager (who was persona non grata for 5 or six games), Foreman ( who is arguably our most elusive receiver), etc. etc.

It was good to see your post. Welcome back.
Hill's situation was different from the random doghouse that a lot of guys found themselves in this year. He did this to himself and hurt his teammates in the process.
Sangre, no offense. I was not aware of the details or number of broken rules. I am not pissed at TD, just pissed at losing that damn game. My in laws, all from ttu, have been calling which deepens the wound, since I have never called them when I have been on the winning side.

I watch no. 18, I know his name, blow coverage after coverage, I was just yelling at the TV by the 4th quarter, "Hill would have had that". In MHO, losing Hill cost us as much as Sam's bone headed pass as well as missing Johnson on the fade. Shane would have completed that pass. I saw Beck's name taken in vain here many times too. Not saying I agree or disagree on Bec. So I did think, does TH have any liability in this loss.

Until you, and others, pointed out this was much more of a serious offense, I thought it was a simple one time offense and did not merit total suspension. I stand corrected by those who know a lot more about this issue than me. I issue an apology for that based on facts that I was unaware of. I am wrong a lot.
Until you, and others, pointed out this was much more of a serious offense, I thought it was a simple one time offense and did not merit total suspension. I stand corrected by those who know a lot more about this issue than me. I issue an apology for that based on facts that I was unaware of. I am wrong a lot.
Well, what you are is a totally decent man who has the strength, character and humility to exhibit grace and friendship and build a bridge rather than throw stones. That's pretty good in my book.