Gundy has Okie State wearing bracelets

They have interchangable bracelets - one has "Finish Against Texas" just to remind them of the breathtaking meltdowns they have had against UT. They can wear that one during game week
Bless there hearts. Coach Gundy is a total tool.

Historically, no championship since 1960.

Sure, A little piece of plastic will make all the difference. What a maroon.


If you work back from the solution: 'bracelets' to the problem that 'bracelets' are supposed to solve it sounds even worse.

Problem: My players arent motivated at all and dont play as a team.
Solution: Bracelets

Fran used this tactic, 'nuff said.
Gundy should do what that sheriff in Arizona does: make them wear pink panties when they lose. Think that wouldn't motivate them?
Yay! He had all summer to think of that? Come on don't discourage your boys even more than they already are!

Just setting up for broken dreams.

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