guaranteed stupid


2,500+ Posts
after several years of hanging around here and on Texags, I am prepared to announce that the politics board there and the West Mall here appear to be irreversibly controlled by idiots. What intelligent exchange of ideas or opinions may have once appeared, however spasmodically, has long since gone to vapor.

There is no intelligent life on either planet. Just a bunch of ideologues screaming at each other; the sad thing is that the screamers mostly seem to agree with each other on the basics, they just want to scream. Like the monkeys at the SA zoo on the monkey island. Is that still there?

Maybe you need to go 2 posts above to the "West Mall cleanup". Perhaps clicking on that post will instantly delete all the existing idiot posts
. I understand what you are saying. It gets frustrating around here, but there are some intellligent arguments, but they are becoming less and less.

Out of curiousity, I've only been on Texags for hilarious football posts. What could there possibly be in political disagreements over there? I thought there were only 2% Dems that go to aggy. So even Repubs pissing all over each other?
Couldn't agree more about West Mall. Incidentally, I'm in London this weekend and will spend my Sunday morning in Hyde Park @ Speakers Corner.
Here and elsewhere I've come to the conclusion that many posters just don;t like each other. Reasonable conversations aren't possible in such an environment.

And yes, I'm absolutely a major offender in this regard.
I don't mind the debates/discussions on here as long as there aren't personal attacks. The guy that wished death on the children of a poster on here went way out of line and is, hopefully, permabanned.

I understand that there are those that have a philosophy complete opposite my own. All I ever ask here and in the "real World" is that one be able to defend said philosophy. That occurs - for the most part - on here. The bigger problem IMO is the large amount of people I speak with every day that are adamant about a certain viewpoint but have no clue as to why or how to defend it. And this occurs on both sides of the aisle.

Considering where I live, West Mall may be the only intelligent people I interact with on a daily basis.
Most of the interweb political discussions are little more than "I know you are, but what am I"?

Neither side sees the errors or mistakes of their team, and responds with, "well, your side did this."

It's like the conservatives who don't believe in global warming because the other side wants to (or they think they want to) spend a lot of money fixing the problem. The cons don't think the problem can be fixed (which is probably true), but the manifestation of that opinion is to deny the science.
No we deny the lies and ******** that comes with the so called science.

Do we think the environment is important, yes, is there a possibliltly that we are in a global warming period, yes, do I believe in the so called science that man is to blame, no. Could man contribute to global warming, yes I think that could be one factor. Do I think Solar Flares have more to do with it then man, the science I believe in, yes.

Do I believe in alternative fuels, yes, and let the free market bring those technologies to bear.
mwa, you may have a point, but I find a lot of the same group of people who deny global warming also don't accept evolution.

Almost all of that group are right-wing evangelicals. They've screwed up the GOP, now they're screwing up the West Mall....
By "science" I mean science: by "scientists" I mean the normal scientists. Not the Behe's or Dembskis of the world.

Take evolution, e.g. What is the science supporting it; who are the scientists who support it? And who are the scientists who don't support it.

Then take global warming. Same thing.
What does denying global warming and evolution have to do with guaranteed stupid?

Do you think people who don't believe gw and evolution are capable of presenting a clear, lucid, logical argument wrt politics?
The post above is a good example of the right-wing not being aware of basic data.

The GOP has become the party of stupid, old, angry white people.
I may not be all that smart, I am definately angry at the way the country is being run, and I have been a Goldwater/Buckley conservative since at least 1979, when I was 10 years old, not really sure how I would be considered old but I will give you one out of 3.

Evolution is a much different subject then Global Warming, I have no issues with Evolution on either side. Do I think that is a question for Federal government, no Federal Funds. If a local school district wants to offer elective courses and it is approved by the dually elected local school board, teach Evolution or Creatinism(sp),no problem. I just say no Federal Funds.
That is all you have, where were you during the Bush years? Seriously, that is all you have? Pretty weak......

I personally think that 9/11/2001 put everyone into a funk. I think that most people took a real deep look at themselves and it took awhile and around 2008 everyone started to look around and didn't like what they saw. On both sides of the political landscape. I think the anger over 9/11 is spilling out now, the venom towards a current President or a past President is pretty strong. The way the media and how people now present news as an opinion instead of fact based has created a sharp division in this world and it is very sad.

It is time to stop deflecting to Bush, it is time for President Obama to accept the lack of growth in the economy and the weak economy this country is facing and do something to boost employment and investment in our economy.

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