GOP supports - who do you vote for?

Ron Paul. I don't agree with his foreign policy, but I don't accept the neocon foreign policy that the other candidates advocate either, so that's a wash.

On domestic policy, he is right on. Since the New Deal we haven't had a President or a Congress that truly respected the Constitution when it comes to limiting federal power. Furthermore, the we've had a complicit federal court system that has gone along with myriads of intellectually dishonest, result-oriented decisions. It's time that we change that dynamic. 80 years of federal abuses of power are enough. If any of the other candidates became President, I think they'd largely support the status quo. It would be a third term of George W. Bush.

Since Paul isn't out to kiss anybody's ***, I like that he can be honest. He doesn't have to sit up there and pretend that Obama invented "big government." He certainly doesn't give Obama a pass, but he doesn't pretend that we had a responsible government before Obama. He can tell the truth about the drug war, corporate welfare, Social Security, accounting gimmickry in the budget, shell games being played with our currency, federal interference in public education, farm subsidies, etc. I'm a former partisan Republican who has become extremely cynical in the last 10 or so years. I hate being a disgruntled cynic, and nothing overcomes that like a politician I know in my heart to be telling me the truth.

It's also time for a political shake-up. The same groups have supported the same parties for decades. It has been unions, minorities, trial lawyers, gays, and God-haters for the Democrats, and corporate crooks, small businesses, and religious conservatives for the Republicans. It's getting old. A Paul nomination would likely lead to a political realignment. Many of the corporate establishment types who thrive on corporate welfare would abandon the GOP. However, many true small government, young libertarian types who have grown tired of the hypocrisy of a GOP that preaches small government but never follows through on it would likely move over to the GOP. Any change is good change.
Thank you Mr. Deez for taking the time to respond. I am looking forward to seeing what others opinions are on this issue as well. The race seems so wide open at this point.
If the Texas primary were held today I would vote for Ron Paul. We need to ask some serious questions about the things in which our government is currently involved despite the fact that it has no such authority and cannot afford. That said I will watch the race closely to see how the candidates perform.
Im more conservative than liberal but certainly not far right. I'm for Romney as his views probably fit mine the best (certainly not on everything). I think that he will have the best chance to beat Obama because he looks the part, has executive experience, looks the part, and also looks the part.
Hornpharmd, I'm not totally sold on any of the current field of candidates. As for Newt, his political philosophy is very close to what I'd like to see, but the baggage he brings with him could make him unelectable. Romney is closer to center, but I don't like his record in his state on health insurance. Christie would be a good candidate if he were running, but his time isn't here yet.

On balance, I prefer Gingrich, but I will support Romney (somewhat grudgingly) because he has a chance to unseat Obama. I won't be really happy with it, but I'll support him.

It's funny because I don't hold "Romneycare" against Mitt Romney so much. People like to slam him by saying its the same as "Obamacare". But to me, the big difference is that health care is the business of the various states. So, each state should do things as they see fit. It is not the business of the Federal Government. The reason Obamacare must be overturned by the courts or repealed by the new President is that the federal government is overstepping and they can't afford it even if they did have the constitutional authority.
Pretty much what HornHuskerDad said. If,

Ron Paul didn't have a foreign policy run by aliens, I would vote for him.
Newt Gingrich wasn't the crazy, adultering uncle that everyone has in their family, I'd vote for him.
Mitt Romney didn't come across as the out-of-touch, country club, Kennedy-esque type, I'd vote for him.

I'm not religious but I like Santorum because he just seems more honest (and less crazy) than the others.
I would vote for Ron Paul. I don't agree with his foreign policy, but he is spot on with the size of the federal government, the federal reserve, and he correctly predicted several of the financial disasters we incurred over the past few years.

Ultimately, I just want someone to win who will kick Obama out of office.
After watching the Florida debate, I'm leaning more toward Rick Santorum. I hope that he can get some momentum going toward his campaign. I thought all four candidates did well tonight though. The bottom line is that Obama is wrong on so many levels that he is destroying the economy. We need a change and soon and all four of the remaining candidates offer significant change from Obama.
Newt-He has practical solutions that have been thought out and some have been proven to work in the past. He is willing to try and reach across the aisle to find a compromise that will benefit the country more so then himself.

When asked questions, he answers them. The SC debate was overshadowed by his stand against the media, but when asked how to get jobs in SC, he specfically talked about the Charleston Harbor and what needs to be done. He even went further and discussed how the Charleston Harbor plays into the world economy with the expansion of the Panama Canal. While the other candidates continued their campaign stump speeches Newt was discussing real issues to the people of South Carolina.

If you listen to the man and read his ideas, they are practical, new and appeal to America not to Special Interests.

You may not like him or call him hypocrital, I don't care, his ideas are what this country needs and needs now.
I think the general views of the candidates on this thread reflect my own. We all hope to find a candidate that we are in sync with or at least 80% there but usually the match is more like 45%-55%. Domestically I like Ron Paul, especially his financial views but his international ideas are pretty far out there and he probably has the least chance of beating Obama. Romney is just vanilla in every way which isn't terrible but doesn't get the voter excited. Plus there is a continuing McCain feel since the media obviously likes Romney. I don't like being force fed. Newt says most of the right things but he can be erratic and his payday with Nancy Pelosi was just disgusting. I don't think Santorum is relevant enough to care about.

If the vote was today it would reluctantly be for Newt. However the ultimate winner would get my full support. I'm changing my tune and now would like some hope and change, emphasis on the change.
I'd vote for Newt. He has a history of small government answers and is the closest to a true conservative. I don't trust Romney because he has a history of saying whatever it takes to get elected so there's no telling what he really believes. Santorum has a history of being a "big government Republican". Right now, we most need an economic conservative, and of those now in the race, Newt's the best choice.

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