GOP: it's north vs. south

Burnt Orangeman

1,000+ Posts
The tea party has been marginalized. Oh they'll get lip service all right but they won't dictate who wins.

So which big-government-for-the-rich republican will win the nomination? Fiscal responsibility? you can forget about that crazy talk actually happening if either of these guys gets into the oval office. Expect the usual smash-and-grab corruption a la George W. Bush.

So, does the north or the south have the most delegates?
Yes indeed, Libertarians for Obama!
It is scared white people against everybody else. The GOP is now the party of the scared white people as surely as it was once the party of big business.

The dems have no coherent ideology anymore----they are the party that is not white and whites who are not afraid of the demographic trends of the future.

The GOP tied itself to the white reaction when it started dancing with southern conservatives in the '60s and it has finally caught up.
That's cool, doctor. Please expand. I'd love to know what were afraid of. I know I'm afraid that our country will go bankrupt. What else?
Question now is, will there be some kind of "arrangement" between the afraid white group and the off shore accounts groups? A Romney/Gingrich ticket maybe?
The fear is that we are "losing our country" and that is premised on the idea that there are people who are not really American, or not particularly American taking the upper hand. A lot of them are not white in the usual sense of the word.

Lots of them are brown, so let's do what we can to throw them out. Lots are black and though not many of those vote, too many do. Of course the gays aren't white in the way we are.

We are also scared that because some people want to put limits on the availability of firearms so we don't end up with the drug dealers shooting it out with the cops and kids aren't going to school packing and doing foolish teenage things, the government may be plotting to take all our guns away from us, which would interfere with our god given right to bear arms. So we exagerate that threat like we exagerate the threat that all the brownies will put the PRI in power here---never mind that the Mexicans coming here hate the government in Mexico.

We are also afraid that the old time religions are dying out, so we start howling everytime some atheist whines about the creche at the courthouse (as opposed to at the churches, which even the atheists are ok with) and claim that there is a war on god rather than face the fact that the war is by the knuckledragging wing of christianity, which thinks the dinosaurs were around about 5,000 years ago and that the giant flood described in the Gilgamesh Epic actually happened and covered the entire world.

Mostly, the southern conservatives are worried that their society will be overwhelmed by the blacks, whom they believe are largely uneducable and a drag on the white man.

And they are right. The country is changing and getting less white, just as it was 150 years ago, only now it is not the Jews, or Italians or Germans that are scaring the white folks, it is another bunch.

Think about it: why the hysteria (you will admit it was hysteria, wont you?) about Obama being born in Africa and being a muslim? Is this so different from the hysteria that touted Clinton as a red? Or JfK as a red? Or Eisenhower as a red?

Is this paranoid style not a regular feature of scared people in the US?
You guys need to look at the bigger picture. The electoral map is going to shift to the GOP this fall because of the representation shift in the 2010 census. Plenty of southern states picked up electoral votes while northern Dem states lost votes. If it is going to be a close election, its only to make it harder for Obama to get to 270.
You guys act like George Wallace and Robert Byrd were Republicans. Try to paint it however you want, but these white men and several others like them were 100% Democrat.
NEWDOC: I was in Young Republicans when Barry Goldwater ran and spent a year or two there afterwards and have been reading National Review since about 1964; most of my family was republican and a lot of my friends are. I just listen and read.

I spent an evening with a friend who is a retired bird colonel and his wife, who is a very conservative all-things-Roman Catholic, last week soliciting their ideas about what is going on in their party and what they want to see happen.

I do that with a lot of my republican friends in Texas and a couple outside the state. It is like an echo chamber. We are losing our country, our economy is going to collapse, we need to attack Iran, we need to save our Israeli buddies, we need to get all these people off food stamps, etc.

Their motivation is fear in almost every case. They think their fears are justified, I don't. I have been hearing the same **** for fifty years from these types. De segregation has been a success overall, being patient and well armed won the cold war (we didn't have to do a first strike against the USSR or China, for example), Cuba has been a nuisance, not a threat, the asian communists did not take over that half of the globe, etc.

I am not a great seer, I do not know what is going to happen but neither do all these people who live in fear all the time. The republican party lives on fear. The democratic party is just an agglomeration of small interest groups.

Don't care much for either but I really abhor this bedwetter mindset that has overwhelmed what used to be the party of the grownups.
Interesting but I would apply the "bedwetter" moniker more to the group that thinks that government needs to be everyone's mommy.
Started losing the south in 1948 when the Democrat who would later become a Republican, Strom Thurmond, headed the Dixiecrat ticket; race was important and so was the New Deal, which the bedwetters saw as an opening wedge of communism, FDR and Truman being the nasty reds who were dragging us in the Comintern's wake.

It really took off after the passage of the civil rights acts and the only thing that slowed it down was the artful way in which the dems gerrymandered a lot of the congressional districts to protect their incumbents. When those guys started retiring or dying, it was over;
Huisache your theories about the south are interesting but wrong. Jimmy Carter swept the South. The south turning primarily Republican can be attributed somewhat to Carter's performance in office.
re Carter: last gasp and he ran as a populist and a soft southerner---a Georgia version of W.

As for the poster who called me a leftist, may I suggest that this is a panic reaction? My favorite president is Polk, my favorite in my life is Ike; I voted for George HW Bush and Libertarian last time and will most certainly do so again.

I own my own shop and have run businesses since I was 16 and took over my dad's grocery store when he was in a veteran's hospital for a year. I am as pro capitalist as anybody you will ever meet short of Ayn Rand.

I am for a smaller government and smaller budgets. I was in favor of that when W was president, which is more than most republicans can say.

I am also in favor of a broad social safety net even if it means some lazy scumbags get a free ride.

Liberal, yes. Leftist? Not even close.

And lest anyone think I am suggesting all republicans are racists, I am not. Most racists now vote republican and most of them are in the south or in Idaho. Most of the republicans whom I know who are not bigots are apalled at what they are seeing right now.
Carter was just a backhand against Watergate, nothing more than an aberration. And agreed, boy did he ever suck!

If either of these 2 repubs gets elected they will spend like a ************ just like all the rest of them, don't kid yourselves otherwise. And then the hypocrites won't be all up in arms about balancing the budget because taxes won't get raised and they'll just sweep the mess under the rug for someone else to deal with later after they've left office just like Reagan and W did.

Used to be the republicans were better at foreign policy (Nixon, Reagan) but Obama has done a great job IMO in stark contrast to W.

I think the job problem has more to do with healthcare costs and the burden being placed directly on the employer than anything else. No other G7 country does that but the republicans won't let reform happen because they are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies. So we Americans get to pay 4X the cost of a pill everyone else in the world pays and exporting jobs to places they don't do stupid **** like that.

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