Good, Honest Front End Shop


250+ Posts
Does anyone know of a good, honest front end shop that I can take my car to and get an estimate. It was in a wreck before I bought it and it pulls really badly to the left. I need to get it fixed so it doesn't kill my tires. Any help will be appreciated.
As a matter of fact yes. And the name may be a little off, but try Alex's body shop on South Lamar. It is right behind Enterprise Rent a Car, on the right side if you are going South on Lamar, and about to get to 290.

They did a great job on my truck when I was in college and it didn't cost an arm and a leg.
It depends if you need front end work, or a frame pull (body work).
If you need front end work, Bethke's on 7th street across from the police station is excellent. They have been there for three generations. I'm not sure if they can do everything if the frame needs pulling, but they will tell you the situation.
Adding one more to the list. BR Motors is on Anderson Lane. They are the shop to which I was referred by my mechanic, whom I trust with my car (and if you've seen my car, you know that he's had ample opportunity to gouge me, and hasn't). I ended up not having BR do any work, so it's not a direct reference, but if they're good enough for my mechanic, they're good enough for me.
I've been taking my autos to Shreve Automotive for years and have been satisfied with their work. They're in north Austin off of Rutland Blvd.
Also heard good things about Shreve Automotive.
For good VW work, take it to Underground VW on N. Lamar close to the Yellow Rose.
I may be getting a low mileage, but old Mazda in the near future. Can anyone recommend a place?
I am so glad this thread was created. My girlfriend had her Tempo mangled a bit by a Suburban. We are gonna have to get a headlamp assembly, front plastic grill and a small dent in the front quarter panel taken care of. I have not ever had to have work done here so would not have known the first place to look. That prospect does not please me.

Thank you for asking the question and thank you to all for your insights. Whichever place we go to I am gonna let them know where I found out about them. I think it makes businesses feel good when the word of mouth (or font) works for them. Thanks.