My feeling on this is a lot like the border issue. I don't trust this President, Congress or really anyone in DC so they have to earn my trust before I will support them taking more of my money.
On the border, I'm in favor of a guest worker program but only after the govt. has proven it can secure the border and dramatically reduce the number of illegal aliens entering our country each year. I'm not for a guest worker program that is part of a "grand" deal where I have to trust Washington to follow through with securing the border.
Much the same, I could support a modest tax increase to help solve our debt problem but again, not as part of a "grand" deal where I have to trust Washington to follow through with cutting spending. Washington has to prove it will do it's part first.
Hell, I would probably support a deal that said, "if by 2014, spending levels have reduced by ?? amount then the marginal rates for the top brackets increase by ?? %. If spending levels increase above ?? amount, tax rates return to previous rates." Or something to that nature that includes some sort of verification that Washington is doing it's part before it makes us do even more.
Quite honestly, this President has made obfuscating and outright lying an art form so I'm going to need something that ensures spending is reduced (proven and verifiable) before I'm going to support sending more of my money to the band of thieves in Washington.