Good/Bad Bodyshops

I just had damage to my rear bumper repaired at Nova Body Shop on N. Lamar. They did a solid job on the body repair, but they failed to fix my receiver hitch so that it's parallel with the ground (it got bent downwards in the accident). Also, strangely enough, I no longer can receive AM and weaker FM stations since their work.
Just wanted to plug my body shop - HAAS Collision. We are located on north Burnet Road just south of Braker Lane. We are a small privately owned business and I'm very proud of our quality and customer service. I'm a UT grad (Civil Engineering '86 and MBA '91). Please give us a call if we can be of assistance (719-5115). Thanks, Mark Mcilyar .
I used B + B body on the advice of my insurance co. They did a decent repair job but took 2 days longer to do the job than the original estimate. That forced me to pay for 7 days of car rental, since the deductible for a rental on my insurance was $20 more than the actual rental (something I discovered to my extreme displeasure).

When I went to pick it up, the body repair was fine and they had detailed it. Then I get in my Jeep and see the windshield has a 6 inch crack in it. Also, the a/c would only blow out through the defroster vents. The B + B rep claimed that's exactly the way they found it - except they failed to make any mention of it in their reports.

I fought with my insurance co. till they sent someone out to replaced the windshield. Now I have to take my jeep to the dealership to get them to fix the a/c under warranty.

I'm not a big fan of B + B.