Glad Cliff Lee signed with the Phillies


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I'm so glad Cliff Lee told the Rangers no thanks on the $136 million, seven year contract offer after the 2010 season. If the Rangers had signed him, likely they could have afforded only one or two among Beltre, Napoli and Darvish. Cliff is 0 and 5 this year with a 4.13 ERA. He's not a terrible pitcher, but he's certainly not the guy to bust your budget to keep and at 33 I don't think he's going to be a Cy Young winner again.
I would never go against TA. Of course the Rangers did not offer 7 year deal. Originally offered 5 year deal. And then what's-his-name (the guy that brilliantly negotiated the bankruptcy auction) went to Little Rock and offered him a 6-year deal. Shortly after Nolan fired him. At least that's this old feebled mind's recollection.

And I do agree with OP as well as TA!

Furthermore, when I look at the young pitchers coming up through the farm system for the Rangers, I see a lot of potential, some of which is pretty close to ready. I'm not sure the Rangers need to sign a free agent pitcher anytime soon. If there is an established, yet young, pitcher available who is already signed long-term (Zach Grenke?), they could make a trade. Otherwise, I think they can play the hand they've been dealt (rather, the one they dealt themselves).

The same decision is coming up with Josh. Will $25 to $30 million a year for seven or eight years buy you the Josh of April and May 2012 or the Josh of October 2010 and 2011 and June of 2012?

Big bucks for an extended amount of time does things to players.
I'm talking about the Cliff Lee that showed up in the 2010 Tampa series. The series we'd have lost if it weren't for his 2 wins on the road vs TB

I'm talking about the Cliff Lee that beat NYY and flustered them for us in 2010

I'm talking about the Cliff Lee that ate up innings, and allowed Ogando to be in the pen where he belonged

I'm talking about the Cliff Lee that beat NYY in the world series....Twice (we had no one that won 2 games in the WS if you'll recall)

Yeah. That Cliff Lee
Napoli would have been the series MVP if Feliz doesn't lose his cool so he can come back for one more inning or Cruz catches the fly ball. He or Beltre probably wouldn't have been with the Rangers if Lee had stayed.
Old management would have signed Cliff Lee and crippled the team for years (or done it last year with CJ) a la Arod, this new team seems to be much more long term thinkers.

It was Davis and Simpson that Daniels went to, for approval to sign Lee. He didn't go to Hicks. Hicks was out of the picture.

Davis has made it clear he'll pay for whatever is necessary to win, as long as the ROI is there. You can't come up with an instance where he said "I can't spend that" on a criticalpiece of the puzzle. Daniels has even confirmed this much.

Maybe he doesn't go after Yu if we had Cliff....Maybe.....But maybe he does. I do know this much, Cliff Lee has 2 world series wins under his belt, we could have used one of em in St Louis when none of our starters had the nads to seal the deal. Include Nefti in that group too (as a reliever)

Ogando was the key....If he hadn't been presssed into the rotation, he'd have been the monster out of the Pen he always had been....but b/c he was rushed into the rotation, b/c we lost Cliff Lee, his arm was toast late in the year.....

Lost the world series b/c we didn't have enough pitching in games 6 and 7, everybody here seems happy. Hope you enjoyed the party aftrewards.

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