Glaciers in rapid retreat worldwide

wait, I thought global temperatures were flat ...

Nobody believes you guys anymore. The hyperbole, the misleading scare tactics and the fabrication of climatic data and temperature data have undermined your credibility right down to the nub.

Seriously. If you people want to pursue this, you will need to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch; using completely fair, accurate and unbiased data; using scientific processes and presentations that are thorough, transparent and made enthusiastically available for public criticism from dissenting voices.

Until then, you people would do well to shut your pie-holes and keep a low profile.
The problem is that nobody knows who to believe. The eco movement has been hijacked by people looking to make a buck on fear tactics which undermines the ability of the truth to be seen.

Al Gore's stupid movie was forced down our throats as gospel while he lived in mansions, flew the World and had at least one very large yacht. It's stuff like this, this doctored data, the Orwellian tactics used against those that have alternate viewpoints, the jet setting, limousine riding crowd that shows up for "key" environmental conferences, etc... that have clouded the perception of most Americans.
why should we be surprised that glaciers are in retreat? they have been in retreat for about 200 years, that's what happens when you exit miniature ice ages. In the mean time, the amount of Antarctic sea ice has grown over the past 33 years since satellite records began. Why does this matter? Because the Antarctic holds 90% of the world's ice. Of course, much of that is on the land, but the point is that while many glaciers are in retreat, there are quite a few that are not (california, oregon and Washington come to mind actually).
Oh the irony that the same goons who've made global warming big business are the same who want you to believe we're all here today because two particles in this vast universe just happened to cross paths and boom, created everything you see
out of curiosity Bevo, why do you think the rate of rise of the ocean has been slowing with all of the melting glaciers? Particularly if the Antarctic and Greenland glaciers are melting, shouldn't the oceans be rising every faster rather than slowing down in their rate of rise?

Sea Level rise slowing
You're right. There was no media infatuation, nobody in the public school system was made to watch it, Al Gore did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize for it and the movie itself did not win any Academy Awards. My bad.
Please explain how its winning movie awards equates to it being shoved down your throat?

You're obviously wrong here, but unable to see it.

Does that also apply to you and global warming?
You are correct. It was not force fed. I used a bad choice of words using a personal experience in which it was force fed to describe the entire public school system.

My point is that got far, FAR too much positive attention from the media, some educators, Hollywood, etc... considering, A) the many inaccuracies contained within the movie and, B) the hypocritical lifestyle enjoyed by Al Gore.

Can you honestly say that a counter point to the movie by, say, Dan Quayle would have received any positive attention whatsoever from these same types?
To answer your question. I believe in some form of current global warming. I have not made the leap to blaming mankind for it as of yet. There are far too many variables to climate for anyone to state, definitively, that the Earth is warming due to consumption of fossil fuels.
Good points. The politics around the Kyoto Treaty represented another problem I had with the global warming alarmists. We were being told that the Earth was on a direct path to certain doom and that the Kyoto Treaty must be ratified; however, those in favor were set to completely ignore China, India and several other growing nations. IMO, if the issue was so dire, why ignore a huge segment of the cause?

As previously pointed out, I am unclear as to how much man has to do with GW. I've seen studies saying a lot; I've seen studies saying very little, if at all. I've yet to see a study that says the crap we're spewing is good for the environment.

Therefore, though I don't follow the alarmist ideology; I do consider myself an environmentalist. My household recycles everything. I make the trek twice a week at 5 in the morning to the recycling center.
I will preface this by saying that even though I took science classes in college, I am hugely ignorant of any kind of meaningful scientific discourse, and I have not spent hours pouring of data for global warming.

That said, Knoxville hits it out of the park when he points out that only certain population groups around the world are being told that they have to pay carbon taxes or they have to reduce their consumption, when other nations, like China and India, are given what seems to be a free pass.

Its kind of like US oil companies being told they cant drill on US soil because of the environment, but then China and other countries are happily drilling away off the coast of our shores. It makes for great propaganda here at home, but renders us impotent globally.

And its not that not doing it isnt making things worse, its that (as Knoxville states) the worst offenders are not being held accountable, yet we are all gonna die if WE dont stop....

This only serves to illustrate that there is much more than a simple desire to save the earth at play here. Its politics and business and greed. And I am willing to bet alot of money that I dont have that even the "scientific data" has been cajoled to to fit the politics.

Can you say Big Pharma? Or "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA...." Well why the F*** not?!! Evaluate them already or shut the hell up!

Big interests hold big sway.......

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