Gingrich Trouble Over Colored People Food Stamps


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Manchester, N.H.- The blogosphere piled up with headlines Thursday over a part of Newt Gingrich's campaign speech involving food stamps and the NAACP, which left the Gingrich campaign scrambling in defense to put Gingrich's comments in context.

"And so I'm prepared if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Gingrich said earlier today in Plymouth, N.H.

Has the Newtron Bomb just exploded?
Yeah, they should absolutely be satisfied with food stamps, right? Who cares that the black community's unemployment rate is higher than the rest of the country. Jobs aren't the answer to that problem, we need more welfare.

See, really easy to twist someone's words when you don't really care about the point he's trying to make.
Maybe Gingrich should have stuck to something like light shining on him and waters parting and hope and change and Bush is the devil.
Perham has got to be one of Satchel's socks, or vice versa.

Either that, or they both share the same hair-trigger candor to shoot fire off the race card at first chance.
I agree with you
and to be clear uou are saying that as a percentage to total of group there is a higer per centage of blacks getting entitlements??
because of course there higher numbers of white people getting entitlements.

I am not sure how the OP made this an issue. did he expect gingrich to go before the Naacp and speak of white people wanting paychecks instead of welfare? That would have been racist

edit to add, I only fleshed out what you posted BI so someone couldn't jump on you accusing you of saying that more blacks than whites get welfare
Love it when Democrats play the race card. George Wallace and Robert Byrd are having a nice chuckle together in their little warm corner of the afterworld right now.
Love it when a Republican singles out a racial demographic as in need of his 'job creating' wisdom and someone, likely from the left, points out the history of the Republican's rhetoric, and then someone else, presumably right of center, cries that a Democrat is using the race card.

That's rich and amusing in a dog-eating-its-own-puke kind of way.
I've often suspected that a dog eats it own vomit to cover the smell of cat **** on its own breath. It has admittedly never occurred to me that a dog eats its own vomit, or cat ****, for that matter, as the result of having been involved in the emancipation of slaves. I'll tell you up front that I am skeptical.
Yes buckhorn. All those southerners began voting Republican in the 1960s and 1970s because they were appalled at their Democratic representatives opposition to the Civil Rights movement at the time. You know, Strom Thurmund switched to the Reoublican aisle because he was so upset with his fellow Southern Democrats fillibustering. And voters in Mississippi and the rest of the deep south voted for Goldwater in 1964 in protest of their Southern Democrats opposition to the Civil Rights Act and they wanted to voice their support for President Johnson's efforts to change their region.

When your wrong, your wrong. But keep it up because you are only digging yourself in a hole for the future that will isolate you as much as Southern Democrats did from their own party and the rest of the country in the 1960s.
I wish Gingrich would bring his *** to Houston this summer and attempt to school hardworking people on the value of work. The very fact that he thinks he needs to have this conversation with NAACP delegates is itself stupefying and reveals a complete disconnect from people the greedy *** Newts of the world love to beat up on for political expediency. And on the off chance that every black person on food stamps were taken off the roles tomorrow, Newt would still more people receiving then than not since whites make up the majority of food stamp recipients.
That any self respecting, clear thinking black person could consider supporting this pool of candidates is beyond me.
The quote seems based on an assumption that black people need to be persuaded that working for a paycheck is preferable to welfare.

Am I wrong about that?
Funny how if wiki reinforces a lefty's belief it is considered a credibile source BUT Wiki 's findings disagree with leftiis then wiki they post wiki is a discredited source.
This is yet another example.

My question would be since the elected southern dems expecially senators who voted against the civil rights bills kept getting reelected to office for the largest part until the late 70's, early 80;s ( and when died Senator KKK Byrd die?) it is hard to give credence to wiki link.
Look up the terms of Hollings, Kefauver, al GoreSr, Talmadge, Russell, Eastland, Stennis, Long, Ellender, Fullbright. Mccellan, both harry Bryds and tell me Nixon influenced southern voters to vote for Republicans in the 60's/70's .
Is the wiki wrong? There are plenty of other links on Google to support it. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it isn't true. I was around when the South went GOP.

Lyndon Johnson himself acknowledged that doing the right thing and passing Civil Rights legislation would cost the Dems the South, and it did. You don't refute that.
So even though the southern voters continued to reelect the same Dems who voted against civil riths bill, keep the Dems in office until late 70's and even late 80's and in Byrd's case the 90's you think a wiki article stating Nixon had a strategy in the 60's to turn the south GOP must make it so.

ok don't let hard core voting facts, facts and votes you can verify , get in the way of you needing to believe an unverifiable wiki article.
Almost 50 years ago, the Republican Party made a decision to embrace the backlash generated by civil rights among white Southerners. Traditionally, they had been staunch Democrats, but they were also culturally conservative, and as Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic Party embraced civil rights once and for all, they were up for grabs. The Republican Party offered them a home, a steady, decades-long realignment ensued, and today conservative Southern whites comprise the heart of the GOP — just as culturally liberal Northerners, who called the GOP home before civil rights, have migrated to the Democratic Party. There’s nothing new about this story. In fact, it’s the story LBJ himself predicted when he signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and supposedly mused, “There goes the South for a generation.” But it’s an inconvenient story for today’s Republican Party, which still relies on cultural, racial and ethnic wedge issues to keep its base in line — but which also needs to win over less conservative suburbanites across the country to compete in national elections.

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